Like your PC or Mac, much of what happens on your Android phone can be solved with a simple restart. Slow browsing, blocked apps, and system quirks can be easily removed that way. But some diseases need more than a reboot. Here’s how to remedy those pesky problems.
Bluetooth devices do not connect
If you own an Android phone, especially a Pixel or a Galaxy, you’ve come across this: The Bluetooth device you were using yesterday simply won’t connect anymore. You can try toggling the Bluetooth switch, but even if that works it will probably be a temporary solution.
But aside from waiting for the next Android update, there are a few things you can try to fix. Of course, you can unlink the device from your phone in the Bluetooth settings and try to pair it again. If that doesn’t work, try resetting your network settings (within System). Otherwise, you can clear the Bluetooth cache by going to the Applications tab in Settings. Touch the menu in the application list, select Show system apps, and then scroll down to Bluetooth. Once you find it, open it, select Storage and cacheand clear both. That will help you get there.
Google Photos will not sync
Google Photos is a fantastic service for keeping images in sync on phones, tablets, and PCs, and it’s usually instant. But sometimes photos can get stuck on one of your devices, and there is a simple culprit: your micro SD card. If you have large photos or videos on your external storage device (which we all do), Google Photos will first try to make a backup before getting the ones you just took on your device, even if you have disabled backups from the card. All you need to do is open the SIM tray for a few seconds and your backup will continue.
Your screen is very dark
Your Android phone has many ways to enhance your experience, one of them adaptive or with automatic brightness, which adjusts the intensity of your screen depending on the surrounding light. It’s a great feature, even if it’s a battery vacuum, but it could cause occasional problems with bright light, especially if the adaptive battery is also on. Fortunately, the solution is easy. If you’re having trouble seeing your screen outside, simply lower the notification tone and uncheck or move the adaptive brightness lever.
Applications will not update automatically
Google has set it up so you don’t have to worry about using the latest version of an app, thanks to the automatic update feature built into the Play Store. It’s great when it works, and not so much when it doesn’t, especially when app updates accumulate in a couple of weeks. If you constantly need to make trips to the Play Store to push your apps to update, you can try resetting the app. Go to the Applications tab in Settings and find Google Play Store and Google Play services. Open them and touch the Storage tabs, then press the Clear cache and Empty storage buttons. That should get things moving again.
AutoCorrect is correcting incorrectly
Automatic correction can be useful and maddening. Depending on the keyboard you are using, you can find the settings in the menu to see if anything can be changed (like offensive words). If that doesn’t help, you can reset the keyboard and delete the words you’ve learned to start again. (You will find it in Advanced or Reset). If you don’t want to go nuclear, you can delete individual words as they appear in the predictive text bar by tapping and holding one. Then drag it to the trash or touch Remove and you will never see him again.