How many NFL players will choose to leave?

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NFL players are expected to have the ability to choose not to play in 2020, and the only cost is the sacrifice of their salary. No fines, no loss of bonus. There is simply no weekly payment.

Some, like Chris Simms of NBC, believe that most players will choose to play. Others, such as NBC’s Rodney Harrison, believe that many players will not be comfortable playing soccer in a pandemic.

On Thursday, an idea of ​​what might happen was obtained through a conference call between NFL Players Association team representatives and NFLPA medical director Thom Mayer. Through’s Dan Graziano, Mayer explained to the players the dangers of the virus, and were told that the “chances of running a season around the virus will depend on the success of their contact screening and testing program.” .

The frank and frank discussion about the seriousness of the situation caused “a lot of rejection,” according to the report, with representatives “asking why they are trying to replay if the virus is such a dangerous threat.” Questions also arose regarding players’ contracts if they are canceled due to virus concerns, and whether they will be able to leave if they feel too uncomfortable to play as the season progresses.

A call will be made today with all players (or at least as many callers), potentially leading to more conversations about players choosing to skip the year. The league, according to a source with knowledge of the situation, will want to make decisions before training camp, without an escape hatch once a player logs in. This “speak now or be forever silent” approach, if adopted, could cause more players to fold.

Regardless, as players wonder why the season is playing in a pandemic, chances are they don’t have to play in a pandemic, even though the current labor deal was ratified by players. after The pandemic started. As Rodney mentioned earlier this week, players have enough to worry about as they focus on their craft and prepare for their opponents. Having additional virus-related concerns will make it much harder for them to do their jobs, and some of them may simply choose, this year, not to.