How iOS 14 on iPhone will prevent you from downloading apps you only use once


Soon, you won’t have to download an app to test it on your iPhone.

Angela Lang / CNET

When Apple launches iOS 14 Later this year, you’ll notice some pretty big changes in the way you use your iPhone. ($ 699 at Apple). For example, you can place widgets on your home screenand there is a new app drawer and new privacy controls.

Apple also introduces a new way to interact with applications called Application clips. They are similar to Android instant appsThey are small “segments” of applications that offer a subset of functions that you can normally only access after downloading the full application and, in many cases, logging in.

You can use App Clips to do things like quickly buy a cup of coffee, make a reservation at your favorite restaurant, or set up your new one. Vacuum cleaner robot, all without having to install a new application every time.

Let’s take a closer look at what App Clips are, how you will add them, and what they can do.

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Application clips are all about speed and convenience. When you really need access to an app you don’t have, you no longer have to download it and wait for it to install.


What are the App Clips for iPhone?

Think of App Clips as thumbnail apps, offering the core functionality of a larger app.

For example, the current process for doing something like unlocking an electric scooter requires that you find that company’s app on the App Store, download it, create an account, and then enter your payment information. It is a process that takes several minutes and is not very convenient.

However, with an app clip, you would only need to scan a QR code or touch your phone against an NFC tag on the scooter you want to rent, for example, to display a small card on your iPhone.

Then, instead of giving access to the full functionality of the app, such as a map of where all the available scooters are, the App Clip will only include what is necessary to unlock and rent the scooter. It will be based on Apple Pay to verify and secure your payment.


Signing in with Apple makes it easy to create a new account within an app.

Screenshot by Jessica Dolcourt / CNET

If it is not the complete application, how do I create an account?

The clips will use “Log in with Apple, which debuted last year with the release of iOS 13. The service creates an account for you, linking it to your Apple ID, eliminating the need for you to have a new password. And if you want, you can even hide your email address. service email, keep your personal information private and prevent you from receiving more spam.

How to make payments in App Clips?

App Clips will use any debit or credit card that you have added to Apple Pay.

How do I add an app clip?

Adding an application clip to your iPhone can be done in several different ways. In Apple’s main video, Apple demonstrated adding a Clip from a website, in an iMessage conversation, on a business list on Apple Maps, or by tapping your phone with an NFC tag or scanning a QR code with the Camera app.

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Apple also created specialized App Clip codes that let you know that it will add the miniature version of the app if you scan it.

After viewing the information for an app clip, which appears at the bottom of the screen as a small card, you can tap Open to add the clip to your phone.

Once a Clip is added to your phone, you won’t have to add it to your iPhone the next time you want to use it, unless of course you delete it after it’s done.

application clip code

App Clip codes will soon be everywhere.

Screenshot by Jason Cipriani / CNET

Where do I find the app clips I added?

App Clips will not clutter your home screen like normal app icons do. Instead, you can find them in the new app library that is also making its debut on iOS 14.

the Application library It acts as an app drawer, organizing installed apps and clips into folders by category.


The app library in iOS 14 will hide your app clips.

Jason Cipriani / CNET

What are App Clips useful for?

You’ll be able to use App Clips to join the waiting list at a nearby restaurant, make a reservation, or even go through the initial setup process for a connected device like an Instant Pot or smart bulb.

It is up to developers to find new ways to use App Clips with their applications. Maybe you can use App Clips to find out which song is playing, try a new photo filter, or upload a quick video to a social network.


You can use App Clips to see all kinds of information.


Am I stuck with just one app clip? Or can I upgrade to the full app?

At any time, you can download and install the full app if you need to do more than the App Clip provides. For example, if after setting up your smart bulb you want to connect it to other services or take full control, you can install the full app from the App Store.

There is still a lot to learn about App Clips. Apple will launches iOS 14 this fallBut if you have a developer account, you can help try beta version right now. We have been testing it and we have found a a handful of features we love, including the new customizable widget and some characteristics that nobody talks about right now.

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