How Donald Trump has already surpassed Joe Biden in a debate win

“Joe Biden is slipping. Now at the age of 77 and running for president for the third time, Biden is clearly diminished. Joe Biden does not need the strength, stamina and mental ability to lead this country.”

And then there are the Instagram and other social media feeds of people like Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, the president’s two eldest sons, who are full of memes that portray Biden as clueless – or worse.

The message is relentless and clear: the presumptive Democratic nominee is not mentally fit to be president. He’s not up to the job he’s looking for.

All of this brings me to the three scheduled general election debates between Biden and Trump on September 29, October 15, and October 22.

As Axios’ Jonathan Swan – yes, the face-off boy – reported on Sunday, the Trump campaign sees the debates as more important as the resident seeks a change in the operational dynamics of the race. Here is what Swan reported:

“Among President Trump’s closest associates, these debates have taken a great interest in closing the ballot box and getting Trump striking distance by election day. The Trump campaign considers the debates to be the crucial turning points left for Nov. 3.

“‘I do not think he [Trump] sees the debates as the last turning points, but potentially the most important, ‘said a source familiar with the results of the planning meeting. “I think he always thinks he can make a turning point.” “

Which is true! There is nothing obvious – short of some ahistorical VP choice by Biden proving to be a disaster – that will change the trajectory of the race between now and the debates.

And now for the problem for Trump: After months of attacking Biden as barely mentally attacking him, he has drastically lowered expectations for the former vice president when it comes to debate performance.

Remember: the image of Biden led by Trump is a man who is completely out of it. Who is controlled by forces he is not aware of. Who can not stand on his own two feet (figuratively speaking). If Biden just sounds moderately credible and competent in the debates, that image will be upended. And at least some people who bought Trump’s idea that Biden is not on the job will force him to reckon with the fact that, well, the former VP is someone who looks like a) putting two sentences together and b) knows where he is.

Those remarkably low expectations for Biden’s performance in the general election debates are a godsend for him. During the Democratic primary process – and its monthly debates – it became clear that the former Delaware senator was, at best, a mediocre debater. He tried to fill in 10 minutes of facts in a two-minute response. He would change thoughts – and lines of argument – in the middle of a sentence. He would just stop talking when his allotted time was up. He would sometimes fade into the background, even though he was the forerunner of the race.

In short: Joe Biden is not a terribly good debater. He may have his moments, but it’s just not his strong suit. Never has been.

Which makes Trump’s attempts to expose Biden so completely more strategic. And why is the Trump campaign trying to re-adjust its messaging about Biden – and that soon.

“Joe Biden is actually a very good debater,” Trump White House aide Stephen Trump Miller told The Washington Post over the weekend. “He does not have as many gaffs as in his daily interviews. I would argue that Joe Biden himself would be the favorite in the debates, since he has been doing them for 47 years.”

You get the idea. Joe Biden may not be both of these things. Either he barely persists or he is a gifted debater. Not both.

If Biden walks away from this trio of general election debates as the perceived winner, he would have to send Trump a “thank you” note. Seriously.
