Alpine scenes in the 1964 “Goldfinger” set a new benchmark for the archetypal James Bond sequence – a supervillain, an assassin, a mountain car chase and a gadget-equipped Aston Martin. And also, arguably, the most iconic in the history of the franchise in six minutes and 37 seconds, it is also one of the best documentation.
In the unprecedented publicity that followed, journalists and photographers were invited to the Swiss Alps for a seven-day shoot, where they mingled with the cast and crew members. The strategy seemed to work – “Goldfinger” became one of the highest-grossing movies at the time, with office fees.
This -l-approach approach resulted in a rich archive of result-behind-the-scenes photographs. Along with kaleshit, ot notated scripts and production documents, Valletti has brought more than 200 of his books together in his book.
Finally Sean Connery portrayed Bond with Aston Martin DB5. Scroll through the gallery to see more behind-the-scenes images of the “Goldfinger” alpine sequence. Deposit: Promotional shots by Eon Productions / Arthur Evans
One of the first images shows Sean Connery arriving at Zurich Airport with surprisingly thin-headed hair (he wore a T-shirt as James Bond). The latter photos capture the crew relaxing shots and performers during downtime on set. One of the most well-known images is of an instant fashion show with actress Tania Melt, depicted – a real, not a replica – AR-7 rifle.
‘Drinking a lot’
Bond’s encounter with Mlet Lett’s character, Tilly Masterson, is a popular sequel, as they separately chase after wealthy villain Rick Goldfinger. Bond got into a brawl after a failed assassination attempt on Masterson on Goldfinger, a British agent chased him and accidentally pushed his car off the road before introducing himself and taking him to a nearby garage.
Director Guy Hamilton, along with his production designer and location manager, chose the Furka Pass, which runs through the Urseren Valley in central Switzerland, for the shoot. The week-long production involved a crew of 50 in the small mountain village of Edermet.

Rehearsal of the scene where Tilly Masterson attempts to assassinate Bond’s nemesis, Rick Goldfinger. Deposit: Promotional shots by Eon Productions / Arthur Evans
“Surprisingly, the Swiss government approved, which is really surprising,” Velti said, adding that the locations were close to various military locations. “But they always had to have two soldiers and two policemen (during the shooting). Police were deployed to maintain traffic, and the soldiers were there to make sure they didn’t classify anything.”
Velti visited many people involved in the shooting, from the bar cutter to the Bayman at the Crew’s Hotel. And when something that broadcasts on a photography set captures the cures, the stories tell what happened to it.
They portray a hard-party product with a hard late night. “There was a lot to drink and a lot of binge drinking,” Welty said. In the book, Arthur Danzer, a member of the hotel band, recalls Japanese-American actor Harold Sakata, who played the role of Goldfinger’s hen Oddjob, a “huge attraction.”
“Every evening on the dance floor at the club he would erect all kinds of wooden boards and bricks. He cut them all in half,” Danzer said of Sakata, who was also a wrestler and Olympic medalist weightlifter.
Although married to Kaner Nari at the time, Welty’s book states that every female journalist who spoke during the research received a “more or less explicit proposal” from the actor. Tom Carlyle, the then press officer for the film’s distributor United Artists, quoted Connery as saying, “All newspapers want to send a girl.”
Signature images
Despite her infamous charm, not everyone was loved by Connery. The Swiss magazine Schweizer Illustrated ran its story about the shoot under the headline “James Bond – Ain Humor Loser Langweiler” (or “James Bond – A Humorless Bore”).
The villagers of Andermet were also found to be indifferent to the whole matter.
Ahead of the trip, the movie’s production company struggled to secure hotel rooms in the area, in which local owners were unaware of both Bond franchises and had “doubts about the solitude of the British people,” according to Velti’s book.
“They didn’t really care,” Welty said. “Can you imagine nowadays, a James Bond movie crew coming? Any village, any city will go crazy. But not those people.”

Sean Connery is pictured with Tania Melt’s stunt double, Phyllis Cornell (left), and director Guy Hamilton’s wife, Miriam Charrier (right). Deposit: Promotional shots by Eon Productions / Arthur Evans
However, Bondmia will not reach the fever pitch until the film is released later this year. When justified by its predecessors, “Dr. No” and “Russia with Love”, “Goldfinger” received a significant budget of million 1 million, grossing 46 46 million worldwide during its early years. , Repeated several times. Run the office.
According to Veltina, partly thanks to this alpine sequence, which has not only helped generate buzz, but set the visual blueprint for Bond movies to come.
“When Sean Connery died, many pictures of him standing with Furca Pass with Aston Martin were published.” “This looks like a James Bond signature picture.”