How Animal Crossing Players Deal With Friends and Family Who Say Goodbye

Every time it’s Carter, for a long time Animal crossing: New Horizons The player, who wants to build a bridge over the island he shares with his wife, fails. The problem is not the lack of bent or Tom Nook’s restrictions. Instead, Carter runs into bureaucratic pickles: his wife is considered the owner of the island by sport, and he no longer plays Animal Crossing.

“She was a normal seer in the beginning,” Carter told Polygon on Twitter. Carter handles logistics such as the best villagers, turnip trade, and unleashing nook upgrades. Carter’s wife handled the aesthetics and general layout of the island. But after that honeymoon period he left the game. Months later, he’s still playing, and he’s not.

“She insists it’s good to log in to her account and make any changes I need, but I’m a very concerned person by nature, because I’m reluctant to do anything more than she needs to.” .

It turned out, many New horizons Players put themselves in equal trouble. Animal Crossing lets you share an island with a handful of people, and everyone gets their own abode on the island. After a year of updates, some friends have left their shared games – some users have left with a save file full of reminders and obstacles created by someone who is no longer in the picture.

For many players still engaged in the game, moving other players is not a problem, as long as they have permission to switch accounts to build bridges or ramps. Some people also use the added accounts to get extra dishes from Celeste or take advantage of the extra storage rooms in abandoned homes.

A young pink-haired girl and smiling frog enjoying the rain near the tent at the Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Image: Nintendo EPD / Nintendo

A New horizons Fan, Mel, told Polygon that her husband left the game a day later.

He told Polygon, “I am very annoyed with his tent on my island.” In July his tent went over his island and remained on the island for seven months. “I finally deleted his account today and am very happy about it.”

Others view homes as a kind of temple, a place of love for people in their lives.

“I have two nephews who have homes on the island, but they haven’t picked up a game in almost a year,” longtime player Uka said in a Twitter conversation with Polygon.

He also collects special event items for them, such as Halloween character Jack’s robe and phishing tournament items, even though he knows they will never return to the game. If they do, they will see that she has dedicated every village yard to their interests. The youngest nephew owns a small gym next to his house, which has a patio space for a doghouse and plush. The oldest is the Zen Garden designed in his yard.

“I still collect DIYs and leave those I already know on one side of the island and once they are iled throat, I will log in to their character and learn some of the DIYs to log in again. Decide so they’re. More or less up to date with the latest DIY, ”said Ika.

Carter knows the feeling. “Sometimes I try to be tempted [my wife] Come back with romantic gestures in the in-game, such as leaving rainbow balloons and dinosaur toys outside his house, ”he says. “Which doesn’t make sense because she has to log in before she can see it anyway, but I still do.”

New horizons It has continued to receive updates since its inception year after year, and future updates will likely continue during 2021. Perhaps those new elements will lure players to leave the game, and they will see care packages and tokens left behind by their loved ones. Issues in months.