If you thought ‘JCB ki khudayi’ trend from last year was strange, wait until you hear about Binod. Over the last few days, a number of brands and other social media users have been tweeting about Binod. PayTM changed its name on Twitter to Binod. Mumbai police asked anyone with the name Binod to change their online passwords if they contained their first name. Airtel said it would receive every call with “Rooster #Binod Bol”, while the anonymous French hacker who goes by Elliot Alderson asked his followers to call him Binin instead.
So why is everyone tweeting about Binod all of a sudden?
It all started when YouTube channel Slayy Point shared a video where makers Abhyudaya and Gautami decided to investigate the comments section of YouTube videos. In the video titled “Why Indian Comments Section is Garbage (BINOD)”, which was shared on July 15, they showed their subscribers some of the strangest comments they have received. One of these, by a user named Binod Tharu, contained nothing more than his first name “Binod” in the comments section of their YouTube videos.
Pretty soon after the video appeared online, the comment section of a number of popular YouTube videos was suddenly filled with one word: Binod.
The trend soon shifted to Twitter, where it caught the eye of a number of mom makers. The microblogging platform was then flooded with a number of Binod memes, and the bizarre trend only grew with various brands, companies and even police departments joining the bandwagon with their own Binod tweets.
PayTM recently changed its Twitter username to Binod
Clear. https://t.co/zjxs0bDWey
– Paytm (@Paytm) August 7, 2020
While Airtel India offered a new way to answer all phone calls
Receive every call with “Rooster #Binod Bol “
Comment and tag us with their comments ????
– airtel India (@airtelindia) August 7, 2020
A number of police departments also contributed to the trend
What is #BINOD?
B – Trim the belt before driving
I – Inform police about any suspicious activity
N – Never drink and drive
O – Follow COVID guidelines
D – Choose 100 for each help or assistance#JaipurPolice#TeamJaipurPolice– Jaipur Police (@jaipur_police) August 7, 2020
#Binod may not write anything else, but we have a message for you! pic.twitter.com/1It1yZE7Tq
– Call 112 (@ 112UttarPradesh) August 7, 2020
Dear #binod , we hope your name is not your online password. It’s pretty viral, change it now! #OnlineSafety
– Mumbai Police (@MumbaiPolice) August 7, 2020
Dear #binod, we know you’ve gone viral, but your safety is important. corona is more famous than you, so stay at home, stay safe.#Security first
– Nagpur City Police (@NagpurPolice) August 8, 2020
Check out some of the funniest, most viral Binod tweets here:
Call me #binod
– Elliot Alderson (@ fs0c131y) August 8, 2020
Anyone who makes memes about “binod”
Meanwhile binod: pic.twitter.com/53iKkacPZY– puja_writes .__ (@sanskariladki__) August 10, 2020
No thoughts, head binod pic.twitter.com/5OSTsej8Iq
– egMegha⁷⟭⟬ ???????????? (Inactive) (@MegTheDesiArmy) August 8, 2020
Which one of these is your favorite Binod meme? Let us know with the comments section.
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