House does not override Trump’s veto of law blocking DeVos’ student loan rule

The Chamber on Friday could not cancel President TrumpDonald John Trump Miami-Dade will close the beaches during the weekend of July 4 by coronavirus fears that an Oklahoma reporter will test positive for COVID-19 after attending the Trump rally in Tulsa Trump criticizes the Governor of Illinois, Mayor for violence in Chicago calls for ‘law and order’ MOREThe veto of bipartisan legislation that would have reversed new Department of Education regulations to restrict access to forgiveness of federal student loans.

The vote is a victory for the Secretary of Education Betsy DeVosElizabeth (Betsy) Dee DeVosHouse Does Not Override Trump’s Veto On Bill Blocking DeVos Student Loan Rule DeVos Issues New Rule Ordering More Coronavirus Relief To Private Schools The Hill’s Morning Report – Featured By Facebook – Trump Turns On immigration; delays on the primary day are expected MORE. His agency’s new rule, which takes effect on Wednesday, revokes Obama-era regulations that helped students who say they were cheated by rogue, for-profit universities.

Under the new rules, borrowers will not be able to erase their loans unless they can prove that their income has been affected by the universities, even if they can show that they were cheated.

Congress passed a measure to repeal the new regulation earlier this year. Trump vetoed the legislation in May, arguing that “he tried to reimpose an Obama-era regulation that defined educational fraud so broadly that it threatened to paralyze the nation’s higher education system.”

Critics of the rule argue that it hinders the borrower’s ability to apply for loan forgiveness from predatory institutions.

“If Secretary DeVos’s efforts to prioritize earnings over education continue, the for-profit industry will continue to do what it has always done: exploit veterans, student borrowers, and those trying to improve their lives and support their families getting an education, “Rep. Maxine WatersMaxine Moore WatersHouse approves statehood for DC in a 232-180 vote House does not override Trump’s veto of the law that blocks the DeVos Treasury student loan rule to give Congress access to all PPP loan data MORE (D-Calif.), Head of the Financial Services Committee, said in the room before the vote.

Proponents of the rule argue that the change protects universities from “frivolous lawsuits” while protecting the rights of students.

“The first 20 years of [1994] it ruled that there were 59 complaints, then the Obama administration begins to encourage frivolous appeals and the appeals increased to 300,000 and rose, ”the representative. Virginia FoxxVirginia Ann Foxx The Corona’s Virus Report: BIO CEO Greenwood says the US has failed for years to heed warnings of the next pandemic; Trump: Fauci will not testify before ‘a group of Trump’s enemies’ Hillicon Valley: Amazon vice president resigns in protest | Republicans look at university ties to China | Support for Mail Voting Increases Republicans Seek Information on Chinese Ties to US Universities MORE (RN.C.), a senior member of the House of Representatives Education and Workforce Committee, said in the room.

“This should not come as a surprise: Mass loan forgiveness has long been a Democratic goal, and the Obama rule was a huge leap toward that goal, which also ignored the high cost to taxpayers,” he added.
