Horoscope for today, February 20, 2021

Today, your horoscope for February 20, 2021 is here with astrological predictions for all the zodiac signs starting this Saturday.

The Sun is in Pisces, and the Moon spends the day in Gemini.

It seems that there is chaos in our daily lives.

With Pluto, Mars and Uranus among the Earth signs, grounding feeling is also at best volatile.

Mars is in harmony with the changing Pluto, so we experience these forces intensely.


Related: Your Weekly Love Horoscope for All Zodiac Signs, February 22-28, 2021

There are still planets in the air signs of Aquarius – Mercury bias, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.

Moon in the sign of Gemini air, which comes with caution – you may want to separate, but instead overturn it.

Balance can be found when the Sun and Neptune are in the water, so following the spiritual path and doing things that advance your psyche are all good ways.

If your birthday is today:

If February 20th is your birthday, you are born in the sign of Pisces, ruled by the planet Neptune.

You are polite and soft-spoken. You are a private person.
