Hong Kong scientists say anti-microbial drug is successful against coronavirus

An affordable anti-microbial drug used to treat stomach ulcers and bacterial infections has promised to fight coronavirus in animals, Hong Kong scientists announced on Monday.

Researchers have decided to find out whether metallodrugs – compounds that are more commonly used against bacteria – have anti-viral properties that can fight stork-CAV-2 coronaviruses.

Using Syrian hamsters as test subjects, they discovered that one of the drugs, ranitidine bismuth citrate (RBC), was a “potent anti-SARS-CAV-2 agent.”

Remking Wang, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong, told reporters on Monday that the team was able to reduce the viral load in the lungs of infected hamsters by ten times.

“Our findings show that RBC is a potential anti-viral agent for Covid-19.”

The coronavirus has killed more than a million people since it first emerged in China in December last year and has since spread worldwide.

As scientists wander to find a vaccine, they are using readily available drugs that can alleviate the symptoms caused by Covid-19 disease or help the body fight infection.

Remdesivir, a broad-spectrum antiviral drug, and dexamethasone, a type of corticosteroid, have both been described as having little success against the virus. Both were used for treatment after the agreement was reached after US President Donald Trump’s Covid-19.

But they have their drawbacks.

Remedesivir is expensive and has a global shortage while dexamethasone has immunosuppressive effects that are dangerous for all except the most sick patients. Other drug cocktails have shown that there may be a risk of liver damage.

Scientists in Hong Kong say RBC is a commonly available drug used with a safe and comprehensive pharmacological profile against stomach ulcers.

“It’s been used for decades so it’s very safe,” Wang said.

He added that his research, published in the journal Nature Microbiology, suggests that other metallurgy may have success against viruses and that more research should be done.

jta / qan