Hong Kong exports to the US will require labels ‘made in China’, Trump administration says

Exports to the US from Hong Kong may soon have to be specially marked to indicate their Chinese origin, as the US’s special relationship with the former British colony comes to an end.

Reuters reported Tuesday that the Trump administration has placed a “made in China” labeling requirement for all exports from Hong Kong, the latest move targeted at the region by U.S. regulators following the passage of a new national security law that experts say that Hong Kong’s sovereignty is diminishing and bringing it closer to mainland China.

The announcement was posted Tuesday and reports after 45 days of operation.

The move comes in the wake of a new round of sanctions by both the US and China over the weekend, with the Treasury Department appointing Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and others as targets for US sanctions, while several GOP legislators were targeted in response to Chinese sanctions.

The Chinese government has accused the Trump administration of trying to harm Chinese companies with unfair regulations and sanctions, while the US has accused Chinese companies, especially those in the tech sector like Huawei, of routinely working with it. Chinese army.

President TrumpDonald John TrumpTeachers Union launches 0K ad purchase and calls for education funding in relief FDA pledges ‘we will not cut corners’ on coronavirus vaccine Let’s protect our values ​​COVID-19 liability MAY signed a bipartisan bill in July that would lose its administrative power to sanction Chinese officials, seen as key players in Beijing’s attempt to crack down on Hong Kong, which has been the site of protests for months. The president has repeatedly slammed China over trade issues such as his government’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak in the months leading up to the 2020 elections.

“This law gives my administration powerful new tools to hold the individuals and entities involved in Hong Kong’s lack of freedom accountable,” Trump said at the time.

‘We all watched what happened. Not a good situation. Their freedom has been taken away. Their rights have been revoked. And with that, Hong Kong goes, in my opinion, because it can no longer compete with free markets, ”the president added.
