Netherlands – Australia Australia Groundbreaking discovery in Australia is giving a new meaning to the term natural remedy. Using hundreds of bees, the venom contained in the stings of these insects quickly kills breast cancer cells, according to a new study.
Dr. Kiara Duffy says bee venom kills many types of breast cancer, but is hard to treat with a triple-negative variety. His study in the journal NPJ Precision Oncology Toxins detect that this not only kills the cancer, it also breaks down the fertility of the cancerous cell. It is also called a compound Melitin Researchers say that this natural remedy prevents the disease at a significant rate.
“The toxin was very powerful,” said a researcher at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research in a media release. “We found that melitin can completely destroy cancer cell membranes in 60 minutes.”
In just 20 minutes, melatonin breaks down the chemical messages of breast cancer cells to trigger both cell growth and cell division. The compound will suppress receptors that normally override themselves in triple-negative breast cancer and HER2-enriched breast cancer.
The toxin hormone receptor was also tested against positive breast cancer cells and normal breast cells. With a special dose of toxins, researchers are able to kill 100 percent of cancer cells. At the same time, bee venom in the study caused little damage to normal cells.
“This study demonstrates how melatonin interferes with signaling pathways in breast cancer cells to reduce cell replication. Nature’s compounds provide another wonderful example of how human diseases can be used to treat diseases, “says Peter Clinkheh, a professor at the University of Western Australia.
Do all bees carry this special venom?
Although there are about 20,000 different species of bees, studies show that not all insects fight cancer. Dr. Tests on 215 honeybees and bumblebees in Duffy’s Perth, Western Australia, show that the toxins do not promote cancer cell death. Honeybees from other regions share this special ability to prevent disease quickly.
“I found that European hives in Australia, Ireland and England produce almost identical effects in breast cancer compared to normal cells.”
The researchers added that Perth bees are some of the healthiest members of their species. When the study insect bee stinger for melatonin ka ract va, it finds that the compound can be successfully reproduced in laboratories.
The Australian scientist added that the synthetic product reflects most of the anti-cancer effects of bee venom.
Adding bee venom to chemotherapy treatments
The study authors say that melatonin may also help treat current cancers such as chemotherapy. The report found that melatonin also makes numerous pores (small pores) in the breast cancer cell membrane. Duffy suspects that other cancer drugs could use this onset to penetrate cells and destroy the disease.
“We have found that melatonin can be used to treat the most invasive types of breast cancer with small molecules or chemotherapy, such as dosatexal. The combination of melitin and docetaxel was highly effective in reducing tumor growth in rats. ”
Bee venom has been used as a medical remedy since the 1950s, but Duffy’s team says it has been considered a cancer treatment for the past two decades. Further research is needed to find out what type of dosage human patients will need.
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