Honey ‘kills antibiotics’ to cure coughs and colds: New research shows more effective than medicines
- Oxford University experts say patients should have honey instead of antibiotics
- ‘Nectar of the Gods’ is full of antimicrobial compounds that are put there by bees
- The study found that it reduced the frequency of coughs by 36 percent in patients
- And that those who take honey reduced their severity of cough by 44 percent
It has long been a folk remedy for an irritating cough, poor throat and the common cold.
But research now shows that honey is more effective in treating these diseases than antibiotics or over-the-counter medications.
Experts at Oxford University said doctors should tell patients to have a spoonful of honey instead of prescribing antibiotics that can burn antimicrobial resistance.
They have conducted studies comparing the effectiveness of honey against cough suppressants, antihistamines and painkillers in treating upper respiratory tract symptoms (URTI) – which include a cough and cold.

Experts at Oxford University have found that honey is a more effective treatment for coughs, sore throats and common colds than antibiotics.
In general, honey was found to be ‘superior’ in relieving coughs, sore throats and congestion – and unlike other medicines, it had no harmful side effects.
Honey was on average 36 percent more effective at reducing cough frequency than common medications and cutting the cough rate by 44 percent more.
There was also evidence that honey reduces the time it takes to recover from URTIs by a maximum of two days.
‘Honey was associated with a significantly greater reduction in the combined symptom score, cough frequency and cough weight,’ said the study in the British Medical Journal.
It added that the so-called ‘nectar of the gods’ is cheap, easy to obtain and has almost no side effects. The authors also said that using honey for infections could reduce the overpressure of antibiotics, fueling a crisis of antimicrobial resistance.
Experts are increasingly concerned that doctors too often prescribe antibiotics for coughs and colds, for which they are rarely necessary, as most of these are caused by viruses.
The researchers said: ‘Honey was superior to usual care for improving symptoms of URTIs. It offers a widely available and inexpensive alternative to antibiotics. URTIs are the most common reason for prescription antibiotics. Since the majority of URTIs are viral, antibiotic precision is both ineffective and inappropriate.
‘Given that a lack of alternative therapies and a desire to maintain the patient-physician relationship are two major contributors to antibiotic overdose by GPs, our finding that honey can be effective is important. Honey is a ridiculous alternative. ‘
Honey has long been used as a home remedy and two years ago the UK Medical Watchdog included it in official guidelines for treating coughs.
But there have been limited reviews about its effectiveness in treating URTIs. The Oxford scientists controlled 14 studies, with 1761 participants, to determine the effect of honey in treating symptoms of upper respiratory tract.

Honey harvested from bees has been used for centuries as a medicinal product. Pictured above are beekeepers inspecting a basket

The study comes amid mounting fears about antimicrobial resistance in dangerous diseases, making many medicines ineffective. Honey can provide an answer
The 14 studies compared the treatment of patients with honey against ‘ordinary care’ – such as cough medicines and painkillers.
They found that honey was more effective in improving symptoms – especially the frequency and severity of coughs. In the case of the antihistamine-diphenhydramine, honey was ‘significantly better’ because it reduced the cough reduction by 50 percent.
Two of the studies showed symptoms lasting one to two days less among those treated with honey.
But the researchers warned that honey is a complex substance, so different types can have different effects.

Bees make honey as a food source to last the colony through the long winter months
The study concluded: ‘Honey is consumed commercially and is safe for use by the majority of the population, except allergic persons and beekeepers under one year of age.
‘Honey is a commonly used medicine that is well known to patients. It is also inexpensive, easily accessible and has limited damage.
‘If clinicians want to prescribe them for URTIs, we would recommend honey as an alternative to antibiotics. It is more effective and less harmful than normal care alternatives and prevents damage due to antimicrobial resistance.
Honey should not be given to children under one year of age because of the risk of bacteria that can produce toxins in a baby’s gut, leading to potentially fatal childhood botulism.