‘Hockey’: Echo Spinoff Show at Disney Plus Works (Exclusive)

The “hockey” series on Disney Plus could already get a spinoff.

A show focused on Echo, a deaf Native American character who will be played by Alaku Cox in the “Hockey” series, is in the early stages of development for Disney Plus, Diversity Learned exclusively from sources. Ethan Cohen and Emily Cohen have teamed up to write the show and produce the show’s executive, in which the author’s room has recently been assembled. Marvel will build the studio.

Responses for Marvel Studios declined to comment. Cohens did not immediately respond to requests for comment DiversityRequest for comment.

Echo, whose real name is Maya Lopez, has the ability to perfectly mimic another’s movement or fighting style, making him a formidable opponent in battle. In Marvel Comics, Echo crosses paths with characters such as Daredevil, Moon Knight and Avengers. She was also the first person to hold the title of Ronin before passing on Clint Barton, aka Hakey, in comics. At the beginning of “Avengers: Endgame”, Barton (Jeremy Rainer) used the name Ronin for a while and became a villain from the Avengers after losing his family in a snap.

Diversity In December it was specifically reported that debutant Cox and several other cast members had joined the “hockey” series. The show will be Cox’s on-screen debut. It remains to be seen whether the show will go into series, but Marvel will begin to build its expanded television universe if it starts more with its current crop of characters on Disney Plus.

Rainer Hawk Ki will re-enact his “Avengers” Master Archer role in “Ha Ye Ki” with Steinfeld, playing the role of Kate Bishop, Ha Ke Ki’s project. The series follows the events of “Avengers: Endgame” and is produced and operated by Jonathan Igla. Rhys Thomas and Burt & Bertie serve as directors.

Vera Farmiga, Florence Peg, Frey Frey, Tony Dalton and John McClarn will also appear in “Ha Haw Ki”. Farmiga plays Eleanor Bishop, the mother of Kate Bishop; Pug avenges her “black widow” role as a spy and assassin Yelina Belova; Fee, playing the role of Kazi, possibly the character of the comic book Kazimiers Kazimierzak, aka the villain clone; Dalton is Jack Ducson, a former hockey mentor named Swordsman; And McClarn plays Echo’s father, William Lopez.

So far, Marvel has seen success at its Disney Plus shows. The first series, “Vendavision”, starring Elizabeth Sen Lessen and Betty Betty, was an immediate hit, which wrapped up on March on “Fal Falcon and the Winter Soldier”, with Anthony McKay and Sebastian Stan on March 19, and Tom Lowell’s ” “Scheduled for June 11. “Hockey” will enter late 2021.

In the upcoming Marvel series on Disney Plus, “Ms. Marvel, “” She-Hulk, “” Moon Knight, “” What am I? ” ”,“ Secret Invasion, ”“ Ironheart, ”“ Armor Wars, ”“ Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, ”and an untitled Wakanda series.

J. Otters contributed to this report.