His best television show in a long time.

The Muppets with RuPaul

The Muppets with RuPaul
Photo: Disney +

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Television has rarely been more fun than the classic Sesame Street segment which finds young Joey Calvan testing Kermit The Frog’s patience. The girl trusts and believes in the frog, and somehow she must know that he will play when she adds some “Cookie Monsters” to her alphabet recitation. The magic of The Muppets is that Jim Henson could keep that whole atmosphere connected while still putting pressure on his scene partner, something his successors continue to do every time they appear on a talk show or live event or in a camera interview Kermit, Miss pigor AnimalIn an impromptu conversation or script, they have always allowed the person they are speaking with to escape the unsettled rules and social contracts of human interaction. Keep believing, keep pretending, and at that moment, you too could be a Muppet.

That is the guiding principle of Muppets Now, the new Muppet broadcast series and Disney’s best effort to date to bring Henson’s most famous creations back to television. It’s not the whole of what makes Muppets work (and some of those other qualities, thankfully, are on display here too), but it’s a good starting point. In Muppets NowThe Muppets get adult adults to answer deeply personal questions, smear makeup on their faces, and splash the entire menu of a pizza parlor against the wall. It’s the kind of show that ends a tense taco match between Danny Trejo and The Swedish Chef, like Kermit and Joey’s showdown on ABC, in heartbreaking affection.

Muppets Now to a large extent it manages to incorporate flesh and blood guests into its procedures, and for the most part shows no wear on the part of the bulky walk the characters led to Disney +. It’s an intriguing package to put the franchise on, a variety show with unscripted elements featured as the Muppet’s great foray into subscription On demand video“With all the wobble on the brink of disaster that entails.” It eventually reveals a limited range of offers (it would be a repetitive binge), so it can’t beat HBO Max’s The show not too late with Elmo for the title of The Muppet ShowThe true successor to transmission. But in terms of quality, entertainment value, and honoring the messy spirit of the characters, it’s a huge improvement over the false documentary of 2015 The Muppets.

Like that show Muppets tonight, and MuppeTelevision before that, Muppets Now translate The Muppet Show in the television lingua franca of the day. Drafting of the cast stroke too short As true viral video stars, each episode comprises faux updates featuring Muppet’s forehead Webseries like “Lifestyle with Miss Piggy”, in which the perpetually handicapped star offers beauty, fashion and health advice that she herself clearly has no plans to follow. For your behind-the-scenes framing device, Muppets Now crawls and drops on Scooter’s work computer, where he frantically uploads each segment to the cloud between video calls, unwanted launches of Fozzie Bear, and, with an inspired twist, real-time test marketing from former Statler hackers and Waldorf.

There’s a wit on the way Muppets Now presents his classic characters in contemporary roles and formats: Miss Piggy as an aspiring influencer, the Swedish chef launched into a cooking competition with TastyIn the style of heard photography, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker run Muppet Labs as one of those YouTube channels where household objects are set on fire or crushed in the name of science. Cool, informative, but most importantly, fun.he The chef’s culinary catastrophes are juxtaposed with dishes you really want to eat and amplified Bunsen experiments high stakes of puppeteers near an open flame. There’s also something attractive about who gets attention here: while Joe The Legal Weasel and “gourmand gourmand” beverly Plume represent some new faces, Muppets Now emphasizes characters who thrived on the slam-bam rhythms of The Muppet Show but it had less presence in recent projects, more focused on the narrative.

It’s excitingly kinetic and ticklish to the point where the routine begins to dampen the feeling that anything can happen within the confines of Scooter’s appropriately crowded desk. This is forgivable: the formula is the life blood of family entertainment, and Muppets Now It’s not a production on the scale of its streaming predecessors, and even those shows had running gags, recurring segments, and go-to punchlines, some of which are the bases of the highest highs of this show. But Muppets Now He feels cornered in a way that those other shows don’t, particularly in the Piggy segments, which, throughout the four critically selected episodes, always feature the same two guest stars: Taye Diggs and Linda Cardellini. (To their credit, they are both incredibly games.) On the other hand, each installment of Lifestyle begins with a new iteration in a “Robot repair“/”Peanut butter is a word Don’t write a word“Prank about the title, and they kill them without fail. It just shows how even the smallest touch of creative variety can benefit a formula.

The show finds other avenues for invention, with a visual game that is built from the vocabulary of those previous YouTube shorts and fills the frame with supporting pranks and Easter eggs. Pay close attention to the name and logo of the video chat application that Scooter and the gang use; See how Scandinavian gibberish flies on the on-screen graphics of each “Økėÿ Døkęÿ Køøkiñ” matchup. For that matter, marvel at the skill with which the current generation of artists Muppet sells the illusion that their characters are looming on webcams. (Considering the “now” that Muppets Now opens in, the always connected The relevance of Scooter orchestrating things remotely picked up some resonance from COVID-19 on his way to Disney +).

But that’s also why the best segments of Muppet Now they have the most interaction in person and in puppets. It’s never better than when Pepe The King Prawn is confusing contestants (and Buddy / announcer Scooter) with seemingly impromptu challenges on “Pepe’s Unbelievable Game Show”, or when one cast member emerges after another to rack up questions. Kermit’s “Mup Close And Personal” interview with RuPaul. (Fingers crossed this creates a friendly Muppets-Endurance race alliance that removes copyright restrictions that prevent any contestant from making an impression of Miss Piggy for Snatch Game.) Even as the structure of Muppets Now It grows a bit drab, the content holds the promise of a “TU-Cookie Monster” in every corner.
