High Tech Dystopia or Evolution Leap? Elon Musk begins work on a neuralink brain implant prototype embedded in a live pig (video) – RT USA News

Elon Musk has unveiled a functional prototype for Neuralink, which can communicate with transplanted brain cells of the skull, as a manifest cure for an array of ailments for some and the introduction of nightmare dystopia for others.

Musk’s Neuralink progress update on Friday showed a functional device implanted in a pig, which he says could someday treat the range. “Significant problems of the brain and spinal cord,” These include memory loss, blindness, seizures, stroke and drug addiction.

“I’m really excited to show you what we’ve got. I think it will blow your mind, “ Kasturi said at the beginning of the presentation comparing the device “A fitbit in your skull with a small wire.”

After a sowing emptiness called Gertrude’s Scottish to drop his pen, Kasturi introduced him to “Three Little Pig Demo,” Shows a neuralink that selects the animal’s brain activity in real time, represented by audible beeps. The second pig removed the previously installed device, which Musk said was how to live. “Healthy and Happy” Life after implantation. The third animal had no device, probably as a control.

The latest version of Neurlink has shrunk to the size of A “Big Coin,” And the flush with the skull is thin enough to sit on. “It’s invisible and it’s a small stain you can see later. And if it’s under your hair, you can’t see it at all, “ Kasturi said.

In fact, I might have a neuralink right now and you wouldn’t know – maybe I will.

Eventually, the company hopes to pair the device with a smartphone app via Bluetooth, which can stream music to the brain along with many potential medical apps. Kasturi believes that it will be possible to install the plant within an hour “You can basically go in the morning and leave the hospital in the afternoon, and that can be done without general anesthesia.”

In July, the FDA approved Nurlink a “Breakthrough device designation,” The project was allowed to proceed in its testing phase, but Musk said it now needed advanced problem-solvers, noting that the main purpose of Friday’s demonstration was “Recruitment.”

“We want people who are great at solving problems to join the company and help us complete this device, take care of the animals, write the software, make the chips and build everything.” He said.

The call has already attracted interest from the internet, although it may not be what the entrepreneur is looking for.

“If you repay my student loan and mortgage, I will be violating the law of medical ethics to promote Neurlink. I can be bought, let’s talk! ” A user Said In jest (we hope).

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While Kasturi celebrated a successful performance with a mysterious tweet From fictional telepathy, ” Some netizens were less impressed by Friday’s tech expo, which turned its attention to distopion literature for a hint of what could come in technology.

Others were more optimistic about the new technology, with some arguing that it could mark it. “Jump into Evolution” And further bridges the gap between man and machine, a development called a user “Scary,” But “Inevitable.”

The San Francisco-based Neurlink Corporation was founded by Musk in 2016 to develop wireless implants capable of connecting the brain with thousands of electrodes to the brain, which could eventually combine humans with artificial intelligence. The project employs about 100 people and has received about 8 158 million in funding, of which 100 100 million was put in place by Musk himself, according to Reuters.

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