Ito, who was working with Kojima and Guillermo del Toro on the canceled Silent Hills project and made a cameo in Death Stranding, confirmed that he was in talks about a possible new horror project and Kojima invited him to work on it.“So the simple answer is no,” Ito’s translator Junko Goda broadcast. “However, I know director Kojima and we’ve been talking about what he might have a horror-based game he might be doing, so he invited me to work on it, but there are no details about it yet.”
While this vague answer doesn’t confirm that Kojima’s next project will be a horror game, it’s great to see that he’s still trying to work with Ito after promising what might have been for Silent Hills.
Kojima recently revealed that a “big project” was recently scrapped, and that his next game would not be related to Metal Gear Solid or PT.
Last month, however, a tweet from Kojima may have caused this upcoming project to be a sequel to Death Stranding or it may take place within his universe.
In 2017, Kojima also admitted that he doesn’t want to make a “horror game,” but that doesn’t rule out that any future projects he directs may include elements of terror, and that’s where Ito could fit right in.
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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.