Herman Cain receives oxygen and improves while fighting Covid-19

Cain “is still in the hospital receiving oxygen treatment for his lungs. Meanwhile, doctors say his other organs and systems are strong,” he tweeted on Monday. “Lung strengthening is a long and slow process, and doctors want to be thorough about it.”
According to a later tweet, “It really is getting better.”
As co-chair of Black Voices for Trump, Cain was one of the substitutes at President Donald Trump’s June 20 demonstration in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in which at least eight members of the Trump team on the test tested positive for coronavirus. . Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh told CNN at the time that Cain did not meet Trump at the Tulsa rally. It is unknown where Cain contracted the virus.
The Cain status news comes as Trump administration officials and campaign staff continue to contract the virus. Trump’s national security adviser Robert O’Brien tested positive for Covid-19, an official familiar with what happened, told CNN on Monday.
Cain, a contributor to conservative news outlet Newsmax, was first hospitalized at an Atlanta-area hospital in early July after developing severe symptoms and testing positive for the virus, according to a statement posted to his Twitter account earlier in the day. this month.
As a cancer survivor, Cain, 74, is considered to be at increased risk for coronavirus, according to guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In 2006, Cain received a 30% chance of survival from stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his liver. He underwent chemotherapy and surgery to remove the cancer from his liver and was declared cancer free in 2007.
The former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza announced his candidacy for the presidency in 2011 and his 9-9-9 tax reform plan gained momentum. After about seven months, he abandoned his candidacy for the Republican nomination amid allegations of sexual harassment, which he denied.
Cain was named in April 2019 as one of the Trump elections for two seats on the influential Federal Reserve Board. It withdrew from consideration in the same month after four Republican senators publicly said they would not vote to confirm it and amid concerns that their nomination hearing would resurface the harassment allegations.
