If you’re still not convinced that downloading and using decrypted music software is all a mistake, perhaps the news that doing so could lose access to your files and expose your cryptocurrency wallet passwords and data could be the jolt you need.
According to the malware researcher Dinesh Devadoss, a new piece of Mac ransomware known as ThiefQuest is making the rounds, and has appeared in cracked and torrents versions of Ableton Live and Mixed In Key.
Those who inadvertently install it may find that they will be asked to pay a ransom to recover their files and recover their sensitive data. Also, restarting your Mac could only add to your problems, with Thiefquest later used as a platform for ‘second-stage’ attacks.
According to CablingThe malware disguises itself to resemble a Google software update program, prompting some users to install it, though research suggests that it hasn’t been downloaded a significant number of times and that no one has paid a ransom.
The good news is that as long as you are acquiring your music software from legitimate sources, you should be able to stay away from ThiefQuest, but its existence should act as an additional warning, if necessary, of the dangers of installing cracked software on your computer. If you’re low on cash, there are plenty of very capable low-cost, free DAWs and plugins out there, so there really is no excuse.