Beyond Light is delayed and we’ll see if my daily Destiny column survives an additional 50 days of relative downtime. Festival of the Lost every day? I guess we’ll see.
Today I wanted to get more sandbox-y, focusing on the benefits that I hope to see in the coming months, or when Beyond Light finally arrives in November. Yes, I am the nerf king, but I save my anger for some select weapons (# 1 on my current hit list: Mountaintop), but there are so many more things that need to be polished than nerfed right now, and here are my picks.
Scout rifles – These were polished a while back, but it wasn’t enough, and they still exist in this small gap between bows and pulse rifles and they just aren’t very good in either PvP or PvE. I’m cultivating good night clocks that don’t wear at sunset in hopes this benefit will come, but explorers have rarely been in a really good place.
Rocket launchers – Honestly, I’m not sure if rocket launchers will ever be good again if Bungie continues to make all of them, besides Truth, only have one rocket on camera, unless you’re lucky with Ambitious Killer or something. These need a damage buff, possibly a buff for something like reload speed (the upgraded rocket launcher charger costs 6 lol energy), and this power weapon needs to have its day in the sun.
Machine guns (against bosses) – So machine guns had their nerfed damage against bosses when infinite ammo ammo pits were one thing, but I think it’s definitely time to reverse that now. The machine guns will already be in bad shape after sunset (I think there are one That won’t be sunset at this point?) So throw us a bone.
Heavy grenade launcher – The recent nerf went too far and now the Grenade Launchers just suck. They don’t open launchers, they currently ruin the crucible and most other things, but the heavy ones are pretty bad now after recent changes. As you can see, the entire heavy slot is in rough shape, so everyone will keep throwing Whisper or Guillotine or something in there unless things change.
Like 80% exotic armor – While Bungie is on fire when it comes to designing exotic weapons these days, that’s not the case with exotic armor as I’d say at least 80% are completely unused, new and old items alike. Sure there are pranks that need total reworking (Aeon), and yet there are way too many mediocre ones that just never get used, and a lot of which we’ve already seen polished (Sanguine Alchemy) still not really used There is work to be done here.
Nova warp – This subclass was completely destroyed by past nerfs and needs a little love to be viable again in PvP and PvE.
Higher super damage against bosses (especially raids) – I think it’s time to take a look at why pretty much the only super that someone uses against Destiny’s biggest bosses is Celestial Golden Gun. I would love to be able to execute a raid as a warlock and feel comfortable throwing Nova bombs or chaos range explosions at bosses instead of being forced to throw a pit so everyone can spam Spam Whisper or whatever. This is a complicated problem, but it has been that way for a while.
Mobility console – The necessary improvement here? It’s time to make Traction a standard Destiny feature on the console, not a 3-cost mod. The PC doesn’t need traction with its ability for instant turns, but the traction on the console, which is still not close to the mobility of the PC, should be a lever, not a power-consuming mod and a slot. It is time for this to be implemented.
So those are my goals for fans. What are yours?
Follow me On twitter, Youtube and Instagram. Pick up my science fiction novels Herokiller and Herokiller 2and I read my first series The Earth Born Trilogy, which is also in audio book.