Here are 17 minutes of Shadow Warrior 3 gameplay

Shadow Warrior 3 won’t launch until next year, but hey, here’s some extra blood, guns, and katanas to study until then. Devolver Digital has released a new gameplay video showing “Way to Motoko” and a Slinky Jakku fight with it.

The new video has plenty of Shadow Warrior shots and cuts, but it also shows off that new grappling hook that Lo Wang will have in the third game. You can use it to swing from marked points on obstacles. It looks like it can also attract enemies towards you so you can cut a bit and dice. At one point, Lo Wang uses the grappling hook to collapse a platform an enemy is on and throw them into the drink.

There seem to be a lot of battles, at least in this particular area of ​​the game, so get ready for Spider-Man all over the place. The entire movement seems quite nimble, from the grip to running down the wall and running across the top of the forested mountain.

Also included is a full look at the fight with that horrible slippery creature we saw in the first teaser of the game and a fight with some icy drill-headed sticks called Mogura Twins.

Shadow Warrior 3 is coming to Steam in 2021.

Whatever you call it, head over to our E3 2020 label to learn more about this summer’s explosion of game ads, trailers, and miscellaneous marketing. Our E3 broadcast schedule will tell you what to see and when. Check out all the PC games on the PlayStation 5 show and everything on the PC Gaming Show, for starters.

Watch it on YouTube

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