Hello Infinity: MicroSFT responds to microtransaction concerns regarding new “coating” system

Halo developer 343 Industries recently announced that weapon, vehicle and player skins in Halo Infinity would be called “coatings”, and immediately, people expressed concern about microtransaction. We have now learned a little more about how this game is designed and whether you need to spend money to get new coatings.

Community manager John Junezek responded to the fans’ concerns. Writing on Twitter, He said that while Halo Infinity would have a microtransaction store, it would not Only A way to get game customization items that go beyond coatings.

This Halo Infinite Coating is exclusive to Gamestop
This Halo Infinite Coating is exclusive to Gamestop

“There will be all sorts of customization items (including coatings) that can be earned in the game and earned as special prizes.” “Will there be shopping? Sure. Is this the only way? Not sure.”

With the new seven-level coating system, it looks like Halo Infinity will offer players many more options that make a player unique. “Still, getting away from the old color system was a tough call, but it allowed us to go into more detail and variety with the color, material, patterns, etc. of the armor. You’re going to look beautiful in Halo Infinity,” he said. Junizek said.

We have known for years that Halo Infinity will have a microtransaction store. In 2018, 343 jobs listed on microtransactions and how developers will use human psychology and behavioral analysis to encourage people to come back.

While there will be microtransactions at Halo Infinity, there will be no paid robbery. Given that Halo Infinity’s multiplayer will be free-to-play, it makes sense that the game will support microtransactions as a way to make money from production.

It is understandable that fans will have concerns about microtransactions, given how they can be handled in a variety of games. It’s good to know that Halo Infinite will allow players to earn things through gameplay, but it’s too early to say how player-friendly the system will be until we learn more about the specifications.

When Hello Infinity doesn’t release until 2021, you can get your hands on multiplayer skins by shopping at Sugar Snacks and Gamestep.

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