Harvey Weinstein is being “closely monitored” by medical staff at the prison with a fever

“At this time … we can neither confirm nor deny that Mr. Weinstein tested positive for COVID-19,” said Juda Englemeyer, his official NYSDOCS and NYS Department of Health Representative, and his health representative, Craig Rothfeld. ” .

Harvey Weinstein is facing 6 more sexual assault charges in Los Angeles

“We can confirm that Mr. Weinstein has a fever and is being closely monitored by the excellent medical staff at Wendy CF, for which the entire legal defense team is grateful,” Englemeier added.

The former Hollywood producer was convicted in March of first-degree criminal sexual act and third-degree rape and sentenced to 23 years in prison. His defense attorneys asked that, given his fragile health, he would now be sentenced to five years in prison, with a longer life sentence. Hours after the sentencing hearing, Weinstein was rushed to a New York hospital with chest pains, where he remained for about six days.
The Harvey Weinstein victims were given 19 19 million in compensation funds

“It is not surprising that Mr Weinstein has a number of ailments and conditions, including heart conditions, high blood pressure and spinal stenosis,” Anglemeier said in a statement.

“As information becomes available we have the freedom to discuss. We will update everyone accordingly.”
