Halo Infinite is planned to replace traditional sequels

As promised, the Xbox Series X July 23 event showcased a plethora of Halo Infinite gameplay, with some big deviations from the standard shooter game the series has become known for. But it’s the format of its release that could be an even bigger change to get used to, and this game is thought very differently from previous Halo games.

With Halo Infinite, 343 Industries is building a platform for Halo’s future and moving away from the independent sequels. Speaking to IGN, 343 studio director Chris Lee explained that they envision Halo Infinite as the home of Halo for the next ten years, adding new stories, technical features, and more as it evolves and changes.

“Halo Infinite is the beginning of our platform for the future,” said Lee. “We want Infinite to grow over time, instead of going to those numbered titles and having all that segmentation that we had before.” It’s really about creating Halo Infinite as the beginning of the next ten years for Halo and then building it as we go along with our fans and the community. “

Lee cautioned that Halo Infinite will not be a live service title and will follow game formats like Destiny 2. Instead, it is only embracing the format that 343 Industries has been using with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, compiling everything under one same name. You’ll also receive the same type of technical updates over time, with 343 Industries confirming that a lightning-tracking update will arrive after launch.

Microsoft has been poking fun at the Halo reveal for quite some time, both poking fun at the Halo Infinite footage and hinting at Banished’s return from Halo Wars 2. Halo Infinite will also hit Xbox One from the early years of Xbox Series X using a strategy. Cross Generation Launch Pad. We haven’t seen anything from the game’s multiplayer yet, which hopefully will change soon.

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Playing now: Halo Infinite Game Demo | Xbox Games Showcase 2020

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