Hack To give children dedicated space while they learn at home

Mother of three Angelina Harper knew she needed to get creative when it came to setting up her family’s space for virtual learning. But instead of going out and throwing hundreds of dollars at new furniture, Angelina came up with a clever way to keep her kids focused: by making them each a dedicated workspace out of poster board. Both affordable and functional, Angelina made parents everywhere a big solid by sharing the concept with Facebook.

“I have been thinking about a new workspace in our house before [non-traditional instruction (NTI)] 2.0. I have selected and bought 3 new offices for the children, “said Angelina, noting that she often keeps busy with the idea of ​​rearranging her basement.” My thoughts have been on the whole place because 1) I will work from home, 2) my husband works from home and 3) THREE children in NTI. “

Although Angelina tajout that they have enough space to fit everyone comfortably in their basement, giving each family member some need of rest and rest is certainly a challenge. “They would have to move if mom or dad had meetings and that would just be too much. Long (er) story short, I saw this and thought YESSSS this could work! Individual workspace, limited distractions, visuals, [and] portable, “she said, noting that it is a great option for families who need flexible seating from time to time.” Sooo cute! WIN !! “

Away, take a look at the dedicated areas that Angelina has created with placards for each of her kiddos. We can not get enough of this affordable idea that is perfect for small spaces!