GTA Fan recreates the protagonist with next-gen graphics

It will probably be some time before a whole new Grand Theft from the ground-up release on the next-gen console is created by Auto Toe, but Hossein Diba will give fans a closer taste of what his game will look like! The artist re-imagined three popular characters from the franchise, as they may appear on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X: Carl Johnson (GTA San Andres), Tommy Versetti (GTA Vice City), And Nico Belik (GTA IV). The results are more impressive than they initially appeared, adding a layer of detail that would have been impossible on previous hardware. If GTA fans are looking forward to this same console pay, the future certainly looks bright!

3D models can be found in the tweets embedded below.

Diaba has the facility to create 3D model deals by sharing a number of additional examples on its ArtStation page. Most of these models are based on shows and movies The Simpsons And Spider-Man: In Spider-verse, But video game fans will be thrilled to know that he also has images of one Cyberpunk 2077 The idol that he worked on. Those looking forward to the next game of CD Project Red will definitely want to check it out here.

As of this writing, the official announcement regarding Rockstar Games is pending Grand Theft Auto Toe VI. Grand Theft Auto To V The PS5 and Xbox Series X will be released with upgrades to take advantage of the next-gen hardware, but it’s not as exciting as the new game created from the ground-up. For now, fans will have to settle for models like this, and hopefully Rockstar’s next real game in the series will offer something almost impressive!

What do you think of Diba’s GTA models? Are you looking forward to the next Grand Theft Auto Toe game? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter AcMacdachamp All things gaming to talk about!
