Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan met with Biden to discuss VP job, sources say

Two Democrats familiar with the search told CNN on Thursday that Whitmer remains in serious controversy. Whitmer’s name was withdrawn from some lists of leading candidates over the summer, but Biden has always found them impressive, officials said, and he has continued to build their relationship.

Another Democrat familiar with the monitoring process tells CNN that the Biden has also met with additional potential running mates. It is unclear at this time who exactly met the former vice president.

The Associated Press was the first to report on the meeting with Whitmer. The Biden campaign declined to comment.

Flight records left a charter plane leaving Lansing’s Capital Region International Airport at 5:33 a.m. Sunday for Delaware Coastal Airport and returning the same evening at 11:16 a.m., according to FlightAware.

No persons are named on flight records and any of the Democrats familiar with the search declined to say where the meeting took place.

Whitmer’s office would not confirm if she met with Biden.

“We can not confirm this, and we do not discuss the governor’s personal schedule,” Whitmer’s spokeswoman Tiffany Brown told CNN Friday night.

Whitmer’s consideration suggests that Biden has yet to decide whether to choose a woman of color, which many supporters and Black leaders urge him to do, in the wake of summer protests over police brutality and systematic racism.

CNN reported Friday that Biden is also seriously considering California sen. Kamala Harris and former President Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

He is also thought to be considering California Rep. Karen Bass, president of the Congressional Black Caucus, sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois, say people familiar with the search.
