Greg Jarrett: Russia could prove Hillary Clinton’s criminal conviction by releasing investigative documents

Greg Jarrett, a legal analyst at Fox News, said Tuesday that President Trump announced on Twitter on Tuesday that he had given full authority to the disclosure of all documents related to the Russia investigation.

“It shows how immoral, immoral, deceitful and corrupt Hillary Clinton was,” Jarrett said.

On Tuesday, National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe hid documents informing then-CIA Director John Bren of President Obama’s involvement in the 2016 Hillary Clinton scandal involving then-candidate Donald Trump in Russia and distracting him. Private email server.

Jarrett said Clinton had spread false information based on “how it was”. [the information] Was leaked and to whom. “

CIA memo on Hillary Clinton ‘steering UP’ scandal between Trump, Russia

“I hope the removal of the President’s disclassification and radio access will shed light on this as this appears to be a criminal conspiracy,” he said.

Corey Lewandowski, a former Trump campaign manager, asked when former top national security officials in the Obama administration would be held accountable.

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“When [former FBI Director James] Come and [former Director of National Intelligence James] Clapper and Brennan, the people responsible for the biggest crime in American history? “There are two levels of justice in this country: one if you are a supporter of Donald Trump and the book is thrown at you, and one if you are a supporter of Hillary Clinton and you get rid of it,” he said.

Brooke Singman of Fox News contributed to this report.