Greg Gutfeld praises ruling in Michael Flynn case, says former Trump aide victim of ‘long injustice’

“The Five” reacted Wednesday to the news that a three-judge federal appeals panel ordered a lower court to allow the Justice Department to dismiss its case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“This was a long injustice,” said co-host Greg Gutfeld. “This was a protracted injustice directed at a patriot who was simply trying to get ahead and do his job. I mean, get ahead in his new job and serve his country.”

“But he … stood out simply because the scary little bureaucrats couldn’t stand the new boss. And so they took it out on him. And the media regarded him as addicts.”


“Vilification became their drug and blinded them to see exactly what it was doing to an innocent man,” Gutfeld added.

Decision 2-1 ordered that “Flynn’s petition for a mandamus injunction be granted in part; the District Court must order the … motion to dismiss the government; and the order of the District Court appointing an amicus is vacant as debatable, according to the opinion of the court presented here on this date. “

Flynn broke his silence on the case by calling Rush Limbaugh’s radio show on Wednesday, describing the ruling as “a good thing” for him and his family, as well as “a great boost of confidence” for the American people and in “our justice. system.

Co-host Dana Perino highlighted Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, whom the retired Army Lt. Gen. called an “excellent attorney” and “the American guardian of justice.”


“Its [Flynn’s] The decision to fire his original attorneys and replace them with Sidney Powell of Texas will likely be considered one of the best moves that [a] the defendant has ever done, “said Perino.” The original attorneys charged him $ 6.7 million, and now he has this Texas attorney, she’s a boss, she walks in and she realizes it. “

Co-host Jesse Watters defended Flynn’s decision to change his original guilty plea to one count of lying to federal agents.

“If my children were threatened with being locked up, if I didn’t copulate a plea, I would copy it,” Watters told co-host Juan Williams. “You have children. If they threatened to lock up your children, you would ignore it. It is not a crime to change your statement. Everyone knows that.”

Fox News’ Brooke Singman contributed to this report.