Graham, Harrison surpass Ascotus and Covid-19 in burning Senate debate

With South Carolina being actively fought in the run-up to the election, it’s a horrible bell for Republicans about a majority state, as they are forced to defend a deep deep-red state they didn’t expect to catch when Democrats fight to overthrow it. Room

Graham emphasized his role as chairman of the Judiciary Committee at the next confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump’s nominee Amy Connie Barrett in the Supreme Court. He promised the process would move forward, but two members of the Judiciary Committee who met with Barrett this week tested positive for Covid-19, forcing the Senate to change its schedule for the next two weeks.

“One thing I want people to know is that the virus is serious, but we have to move forward as a nation,” Graham said at the start of the discussion. “When an army member gets infected, you don’t shut down the whole unit. We will be hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett. It will be done safely – but I’ve got a job to do, and I’m pushing. “

Harris criticized Graham for considering the infection – he was standing with a Plexiglass divider next to his lecter to separate from Graham, who tested negative for the virus earlier this week. Harrison said he did not blame Trump for the start of the virus but blamed the administration and Congress for his inadequate response.

He also questioned Graham’s word to state voters that the Republican senator had previously said he would not run on a Supreme Court nomination in the final year of Trump’s term but is now doing so.

“I think the biggest hypocrisy you can do as a public servant is to betray the trust of the people you swore to serve. And that’s what you’ve done, “Harris said. “Just be his man and stand up and say, ‘You know what, I changed my mind. I’m going to do something else. ‘But don’t go back and blame someone else for the flip flop that you’re making yourself. “

Graham replied that Barrett would be confirmed because Trump and Republican senators have a constitutional right to move forward.

The discussion took place at Allen University in Columbia, SC, and was produced by WIS-TV. It also aired on affiliates in several other South Carolina markets: Greenville, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Savannah, Ga and August Gusta, Ga.

There were also frequent feuds between the two over other issues, including the reopening of schools during epidemics, health care and police brutality, the question of systemic racism in policing. Graham consistently aimed to align Harrison with the most liberal elements of the Democratic Party, but also said he had “political marks” to prove his bipartisanship, citing his poor reputation among Rs. Referred to.

Harris pushed back the attacks linking him to more liberal elements of his party and made it clear that he did not support defaming the police and accusing Graham of misleading viewers. Harrison, however, could not discuss possible control of his party or chamber, but he focused his attention on the discussion on Graham’s record in Washington, arguing that he did not deliver for the state.

Graham, during a question about the negative advertisements running in the competition, Harrison’s historian had the opportunity to raise a historically strong fund. Total TV advertising spending has already reached 40 40 million – and while Harrison’s campaign doesn’t say how much he’s raised since the middle of this year, Graham suggested Saturday that his opponent could bring about આશ 100 million to the cycle.

“Where is all this money coming from …?” Graham said. “They hate me. This is not about Mr. Harrison. These liberals hate my pride because I stood. [now-Supreme Court Justice Brett] Kavanaho when they tried to destroy his life. This is about helping Donald Trump. ”

The financial gap can only widen. A spokesman for Harrison’s campaign said he raised at least 40,340,000 hours after the start of the debate, one hour after his conclusion.