Google Search Console Insights BETA

The other week I reported on how Google sends emails on the Google Search Console and integrated Google Analytics reports. Well now I’ve seen this through an anonymous source and it’s great. It’s called Google Search Console Insights and it gives you a pretty clear view of how well your content is working.

I can’t share screenshots of this, but let me walk you through what this new beta feature can do if it starts in Google Search Console.

  • Google Search Console Insights starts by showing you an overview of your site with a thumbnail of your website and favicon and the number of “all-time page views”.
  • Then Google Search Console Insights shows you a section called “Your New Content”, which shows you how well your new content is working. It shows you when Google found the content, how many views the content had, and how long people spent on that new content and read it.
  • Google has a section to show you page views and average page view duration in general for a date range, and then it also shows it day by day on a chart.
  • The way people find your pages shows your top traffic channels, including organic, social, and direct search – shows total views, time on pages, and percentage breakdown.
  • There is a section for your overall “most popular content” that also displays articles, images, total views, and page time.
  • Referral links from other sites are broken down to show views and duration times, with delta changes over time.
  • This section also breaks down the top referral links and the newer links.
  • A section of social networks shows the visits and the duration of visits through social networks and even breaks down each individual network, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.

I wish I could share screenshots, but my sources didn’t allow me to.

Forum discussion on Twitter.