In late April, Google released its second-generation Assistant headphones alongside Pixel 4 and Nest Mini in October. Initial availability was limited to the US, but Google today is bringing the new Pixel Buds Buds to the UK, Canada, and seven other countries as part of an international launch.
Despite being advertised in four colors, only “Clearly White” is available internationally, as well as in the United States, today. Oh So Orange, Quite Mint and Almost Black are still on the waiting list, but Made by Google on Twitter says “stay tuned for more #PixelBuds colors next month.”
Pixel Buds are now available in the following countries, and Japan was left out of today’s international launch:
Google includes 12mm dynamic speaker drivers and sweat / water resistance (IPX4). Dual-beam microphones on each button work to suppress background noise, while a voice accelerometer detects speech through vibrations in the jaw. IR proximity sensors work to detect when the buttons are in your ear for automatic play / pause.
By scanning thousands of ears for reference, Google built a “three-point anchor system” to keep Pixel Buds flush and secure “even when working.” It begins with a “stabilizing arch” that aligns with the external curvature of your ear, while the “retention curve” coincides with the lower valley of the ear. Interchangeable soft-fit earmuffs complete that design, while “space ventilation” avoids the “stuffy ear feeling” and allows users to hear their surroundings.
There are five hours of listening time (only half to talk) on a single charge, while the egg-shaped charging case provides 24 hours. A 10-minute charge in the case provides two hours of listening time. Wireless charging complements USB-C, with the sleek package, a big improvement over the previous bulbous fabric-covered case.
The Wizard experience begins with “Hey Google” for quick commands and real-time translation, while Adaptive Sound automatically adjusts the volume as you go from quiet to loud (and then back) environments. Meanwhile, the touch commands on any button are as follows:
- One touch: play / pause
- Double tap: Next track, reject calls or stop Assistant
- Triple tap: previous track
- Swipe Forward: Increase Volume
- Swipe back: turn down the volume
- Press and hold: check notifications or activate the Assistant
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