Google is making it easier for people to conserve energy this summer by launching a free version of Seasonal Savings for all Nest thermostat owners. Previously, the feature was only available to customers of utility companies with seasonal savings programs, according to a Google blog post.
Seasonal Saver works like an “energy monitor,” which makes small changes to the schedule to help people automatically conserve energy without noticing large temperature fluctuations. “By adjusting their hours by only a fraction of a degree each day, users save energy while being comfortable,” wrote Krishan Gupta, product manager for Nest. “These small changes can really add up: the average customer sees 3 to 5 percent in energy savings in their home’s heating and cooling systems.”
The company is also partnering with energy companies on Rush Hour Rewards to allow thermostat owners to automatically adjust the temperature in their homes during times of peak energy consumption. “When there is a spike in energy demand, it makes energy supply more expensive, less reliable and less environmentally friendly for energy companies,” Gupta explained. “When you sign up, your Nest thermostat will make changes to your home temperature on a handful of those peak summer power afternoons. This reduces demand while keeping you comfortable. “
The feature will be implemented for all Nest thermostat owners in the United States and Canada (except Quebec) starting in June. Users will see a notification on their device asking if they want to choose.