Good 3 good meteor showers to see in October and November 2020

The full blue moon on Halloween is not the only significant sky event this fall. Three annual meteor showers will send shooting fireballs into the night sky in late October and November 2020 – including a shower that peaks this week.

Here’s a look at three meteor showers and what to expect.

Orionid meteor shower

When: Annual Orionid Meteor Shower Oct Oct. Started at 2 and continues until November 7, but the best time to check it out is during its peak period – Tuesday, October. During the night hours of the 20th, Wednesday, Oct. 21.

How active: Experts from the American Meteorological Society say that the Orionid fountain typically produces 10 to 20 meteors per hour, but in some years it produces 50 to 75 meteors per hour – increasing its reputation as the best meteor shower of the autumn tuna. Moonlight on the night of October 20, which will be a little less than 25%, could keep the number of shooting stars visible at the bottom this year.

Funny fact: Orionids are actually small pieces of dust and rock that are left by the famous Haley comet. Around this time of year, the Earth passes through the comet’s debris field, allowing us to see these shooting stars.

Meteor showers for

Experts say you don’t need binoculars or binoculars to see a meteor shower. Try to find a dark place, as far away from street lights and city lights as possible. Give your eyes about 20 minutes to set in the dark.Johnny Lindner | Pixabay

Northern Toured meteor shower

When: The northern Toured meteor shower will be visible on October 20 and will continue until December 10, according to AMS. Its peak period will be overnight on November 11 until early morning on November 12, when the moon will be about 15% full.

How active: These meteor showers typically produce five to 10 shooting stars per hour, with the highest number in dark places. But astronomy experts say the fountain is significant because it produces bright fireballs. Therefore, it is worth looking at its quality rather than its quantity.

Funny fact: Taurus people got their name from Taurus.

Leonid meteor shower

When: The annual Leonid Meteor Shower will begin to be visible on November 6 and will continue until November 30. Its peak period will last until the night hours of November 16th. Until November 17, when the moon will be only 5% complete.

How active: These meteor showers typically produce 15 meteors per hour.

Funny fact: “The fountain is called Leonids because its brightest, or point in the sky where meteors appear to be coming out, is located in the constellation Leo,” says

Constant meteor shower

A few good meteor showers will appear in the night sky in October and November. There are also two meteor showers to see in December. Shutterstock c

Looking forward

Here are the best meteor showers to see in December 2020:

  • Geminid Meteor Shower, December. Placed on the night of December 14 from the morning of the 14th.
  • On the night of December 21 the Ursid meteor shower landed on the summit since the morning of December 21st.

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Lane Melisargo can be reached [email protected].