Golden State Killer suspect appears before judge

Golden State alleged killer Joseph DeAngelo responds to one of the charges against him during his Sacramento hearing on June 29.
Golden State alleged killer Joseph DeAngelo responds to one of the charges against him during his Sacramento hearing on June 29. Rich Pedroncelli / AP

A hearing by alleged Golden State killer Joseph DeAngelo began about three hours ago, and will resume later this afternoon after a lunch break.

DeAngelo, who was arrested in April 2018, decades after the crime wave in California, agreed to plead guilty to each individual crime, prosecutors and his defense team said.

That means prosecutors in the counties where DeAngelo committed his crimes are reading the details of each crime, exposing horrible details about him tying up, stealing, raping, sodomizing, beating, and killing multiple victims. After a double murder in 1979, a prosecutor, DeAngelo, ate the remains of the Christmas turkey from a victim’s refrigerator and left the bones.

By the time the long hearing ends later today, he will have pleaded guilty to 13 counts of first-degree murder and special circumstances (including murder committed during robberies and rapes), as well as 13 charges of kidnapping, the prosecution said.

It will also informally admit numerous other crimes, he said.
