A new key visual for the Super Dragon Ball Heroes anime series shows that Goku and Vegeta will achieve new forms of Super Saiyan 4 in an effort to defeat a powered version of the demonic Janemba in the season finale of the series.
Launching on August 6th, “Great Decisive Battle in Hell! A New Janemba!” Will see Goku, Vegeta, and their fellow warriors Xeno take on Janemba, recently revealed to be the apparent villain general of the Universe Creation Arc.
Related: Super Dragon Ball Heroes Reveals Super Saiyan 4 Vegito
In the course of the fight, Goku and Vegeta will surpass their Super Saiyan 4 abilities, reaching a new form aptly named Limit Breaker Super Saiyan 4, which dyes their hair and auras with Super Saiyan’s aura and color red. God:
Super Dragon Ball Heroes is the anime series for the Dragon Ball Heroes video game franchise, which follows the ‘Xeno’ versions of Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, and their fellow Z Fighters as they explore the grand universe of Dragon Ball and fight alongside the Time Patrol. to keep multiple timelines intact.
Related: Super Dragon Ball Heroes Big Bang Mission Premiere Episode Summary Translation Reveals Gods of Destruction On The Hunt For Tokitoki!
The forms and characters introduced in the spin-off include Dark Broly, Golden Cooler, and Super Saiyan God Trunks:
Although the Super Dragon Ball Heroes franchise has not been officially translated into the West, the characters and forms introduced in the series have appeared in the Dragon Ball Super Card game released worldwide.
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