GM Has 12 New New Electric Vehicles, Including an Escalade-Inspired SUV

General Motors released its annual sustainability report, detailing the automaker’s progress in electrification, sustainable manufacturing, and mobility programs. Most interesting was the company’s electric vehicle portfolio section, which introduced 12 new electric vehicles that the company will launch in 2023.

We already knew some of these. The GMC Hummer truck is on the list, as is the all-electric Cadillac Lyriq. But other products like the Escalade-inspired large electric SUV, which had been previously rumored, have now been confirmed. But there are also things like an XT4-size Cadillac electric crossover and an SUV version of the GMC Hummer truck that were previously unknown.

These are the 12 EV products that you can launch in the coming years:


  • The Cadillac Lyriq, and a fully electric crossover that will debut soon.
  • A “global-size” three-row Cadillac crossover.
  • A small XT4 size crossover.
  • A full-size Escalade-inspired three-row SUV.
  • The handcrafted limited production luxury flagship Celestiq.


    • The Hummer truck.
    • The Hummer SUV, which GM says will be “off-road”.


      • A medium SUV.
      • The Chevy BET truck, with a specific range of over 400 miles.
      • The Bolt EUV, a crossover-style Bolt with Blazer-inspired styling and the Super Cruise driver assistance system.


        • A practical crossover in conventional style.
        • A more athletic, style-focused crossover.

          Especially with the Buicks, it’s important to note that this is GM’s overall report which is not necessarily specific to the US Because Buick is incredibly successful in China and already sells electric vehicles there, there is a possibility that it will not Let’s look at those products. But expect the big Cadillac, GMC and Chevy EV and SUV trucks to arrive at least here.

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