Giselle Bryant says Monique Samuels never liked Candias Dillard

The fight between Monique Samuels and Candia Dillard comes first RHOP History. The cast members are divided into two different groups, each trying to figure out who is on whose side. But one co-star who made it clear that he believes Samuels is at fault is Giselle Bryant.

Candice Dillard and Monique Samuels
Candice Dillard and Monique Samuels | Paul Morigi / Bravo

Bryant only claims that Samuels is jealous of Dillard; But, he also says that despite the women being friends at one point, Samuels was never fond of Dillard.

Monique Samuels insists that Candace Delard provoked her in her fight

During episode 9, Samuels and Dillard became increasingly stressed RHOP. The two argued tirelessly, leading to a fight to pull their hair. Samuels believes Dillard aligns himself with Samuels’ former friends who say he actively tries to destroy the family.

Dillard denies Samuels’ claim. She says she has tried to move in a positive direction with Samuels but Samuels is so angry with her that she is unable to do so.

Source: YouTube

Related: ‘I don’t deserve to be physically assaulted,’ says RHOP star Candias Dillard

Samuels leaves Samuels with bloody lips out of the glass due to the attack on him – and Dillard’s hair was tangled due to Samuels’ attack on him. Samuels insists that Dillard’s attitude and comments are provocative, explaining to the group that Dillard’s verbal jabs are just as harmful as physical exclusion.

Samuels and Dillard continue to blame each other. Currently, they both admit that things do not end the way they want them to and say that experience is a lesson for both of them.

Giselle Bryant claims that Monique Samuels never liked Candias Dillard

According to Bryant, the one-time close friendship between Samuels and Dillard is one-sided. When Bryant admits to having a relationship with Samuels and Dillard again, she says that Samuels has not been honest about his true feelings towards Dillard. In an exclusive Bravo clip, Bryant summons Samuel’s bad feelings about Dillard during a season 3 cast trip.

“I especially remember Nemacolin – it was season 3 – Monique couldn’t stand a day from Candias stand,” Bryant alleged. “Don’t tell her [Dillard] On his face. She thought Candias was fake, she thought Candias wasn’t in the group, then, I think their relationship just developed and they were just mate-friends, and then they would come out and come back together. “

Source: YouTube

Related: ‘RHOP’: Ashley Darby on Monique Samuels’ side of the fight: ‘Candice Dillard doesn’t know when to stop’

But according to both Samuels and Dillard, they had true love for each other. They affectionately called each other sisters. Samuels took Dillard under his wing and says he tried to help navigate through the group because Samuels did not receive the warm welcome of some of his co-stars.

“I felt like an older sister,” says Samuels. “The way I want to find someone is the way I want to find them.”

Sadly, Samuels and Dillard seem to be at a point that seems reversible. For the rest of Season’s previews, the cast is divided on how Samuels and Dillard struggle to understand who’s on the side after the fight and what happened between them.

RHOP EST airs every Sunday at 9pm on Bravo.