The new level of difficulty is called Lethal and makes enemy weapons more deadly. It also makes Jin’s katana more deadly as well. Enemies are more aggressive in combat, detect Jin faster, and dodge and dodge windows are “tighter,” the patch notes read. As for the new accessibility options, they seem to focus on reducing the intensity of the game’s combat.
“The lower intensity mode is intended to maintain the heart and feel of Tsushima’s Ghost combat while relaxing various time-specific elements. The combat is less intense, giving you more time to react. Stealth settings are more Forgiving and enemies take longer to detect you. “The patch notes say that most enemy attacks generally cannot be blocked, they become lockable when the lowest Intensity is enabled. Blocking with L1 will keep Jin safe from more attacks than standard combat, although some attacks will still have to be pursued. Enemies break their attack combos after damaging you, giving players a chance to recover before more attacks.
Heavy attacks will interrupt the Brutes when the lowest Intensity is enabled as well. Beyond that, enemies won’t attack at all when players try to use Resolve to heal and their consciousness develops more slowly when Jin tries to stay hidden.
In terms of text changes, a new Large Text option will increase caption size, mission objectives, and interaction prompts by 150%. Sucker Punch has also added the option to disable the speaker name when captioning is enabled. The yellow, blue, red and green color options have also been added to the captions.While the patch focuses on everything mentioned above, the notes indicate that it also includes some bug fixes, though those specific fixes are not described.
Read our thoughts on the game in our Ghost of Tsushima review, and then read what PS4’s best-selling original PS4 IP debut looks like. Be sure to use the Official IGN Ghost of Tsushima Wiki Guide as you progress through the game.
Wesley LeBlanc is a freelance news writer and guide creator for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @LeBlancWes.