Fortunately, this update also has some new accessibility features that make some specific parts of combat a bit more forgiving. Sucker Punch says the “lower intensity mode” maintains “the heart and feel of Tsushima’s Ghost combat while relaxing various time-specific elements.”
What does that mean in practice? Well, some attacks that previously couldn’t be unlocked can now be blocked, although others will still require you to dodge. Stealth is also easier to maintain without being seen, as the enemy’s “consciousness” will develop more slowly, allowing you more time to hide again. Enemies also break their combos earlier when attacking, giving you a moment to heal or orient yourself. They also won’t attack while you’re healing.
Finally, some other new accessibility features include the option to increase text size for captions, mission objectives, and prompts. You can also disable the speakers name in the subtitles, and there are also some color options for the subtitle text. While these new options don’t match the depth and breadth of what Naughty Dog did in The Last of Us Part II, Anything that makes the game more playable for more people is welcome.