Geraldo Rivera criticizes Dems for ignoring violent riots in Barr’s audience: ‘State of denial’

After Attorney General Bill Barr’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Fox News correspondent general Geraldo Rivera said Wednesday that Rep. Jerry Nadler, DN.Y., “represents a state of denial” among members of the Democratic Party.

“When the video of all the anarchy in Portland and Seattle at the beginning of Barr’s hearings in the House Judiciary Committee yesterday, there was a silence because Democrats were saying ‘are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?’ Rivera told “Fox & Friends”. “There it was: anarchy, destruction, violence, inflicted wounds, deaths.”


Barr clashed with Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday over allegations that he is fulfilling President Trump’s political wishes as he appeared for a long-awaited hearing where tensions also erupted over the protests and riots after his death. George Floyd in police custody.

The hearing, originally scheduled for 10 a.m. local time, was delayed after the committee chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, DN.Y., was in a car accident. Nadler was not injured and the hearing lasted until mid-afternoon.

Once the hearing began, Nadler did not hesitate to express his contempt for Barr and his Justice Department.

“Thank you for being here, Mr. Barr,” Nadler said with a note of sarcasm, noting that this was the first time that the attorney general had appeared before the committee.

The president went on to claim that Barr and his department have “minimized the effects of systemic racism” in the wake of Floyd’s death and the ongoing protests.

Addressing the department’s approach to cases related to the Russia investigation, Nadler summed up the Justice Department’s attitude by stating that “the president’s enemies will be punished, his friends will be protected,” regardless of cost, and saying that the Justice Department actions have caused “real harm to our democratic norms.”

“In his time in the department, he has helped and incited the president’s worst failures,” Nadler said.


Rivera said federal and state authorities that have been “investigating” Antifa for years determined that it was a group of poorly organized but highly evolved anti-fascist protesters.

“They have become anarchists. Now they want trouble, but for the sake of trouble. They want dysfunction. They want to make communities upset and uprooted. They use very sophisticated encryption, very skillful in social networks, they communicate in cells, ”said Rivera.

He continued: “They are a malevolent version of the Occupy or Black Lives Matter movement. But, they are beyond that. They are truly activist anarchists in the classical sense. Their job is to disrupt government, their job is to upset people, their job is to uproot neighborhoods, their job is to threaten society as we know it. It is not a Bologna.