Georgia Governor suspends all local mask mandates, encourages but does not require masks for residents

Under the executive order, the Republican governor extended the state’s public emergency and said covering his face is strongly recommended, but not required.

Kemp’s executive order overrides the masks mandates imposed by some local governments as Covid-19 cases reoccur in cities across the state, which already claim more than 3,000 lives.

Despite Kemp having resisted a statewide mask mandate for Georgia, other Republican governors are now demanding to cover their faces in their states.

Kemp’s previous executive orders prohibited local action from being more restrictive than state requirements, but Wednesday’s order made special mention of face and mask coverage requirements.

Savannah’s mayor, who signed a mask mandate for the city, responded to Kemp’s decision.

“It is officially official. Governor Kemp does not care about us,” Mayor Van Johnson wrote on Twitter Wednesday. “Every man and woman for himself. Ignore the science and survive as best you can.”
Savannah residents, as of July 1, were required to cover their faces in public or a fine of up to $ 500.

In a CNN interview earlier this month, Johnson said that because the city was reaching new daily registries of coronavirus cases, “it was really necessary that we take more drastic steps to protect our city.”

He told CNN that the city would offer masks to criminals before giving them a subpoena.

After Kemp’s order was issued, Johnson said Wednesday that Savannah would continue “following the science” and that she would still have masks available to residents.

Kemp has also disagreed with Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms about her mandatory mask ordinance. Under the mayor’s order, failing to wear a mask within the Atlanta city limits was punishable by a fine and even up to six months in jail.

The governor’s office had argued that Bottom’s order is not “legally enforceable,” noting that Kemp’s executive order limits local action to be less restrictive than state measures.

Dunwoody’s mayor, whose city council approved a mask mandate to start Thursday, said small businesses had asked the city to require masks because employees were concerned about the exposure. The city is in one of the top five Georgia counties with the highest number of confirmed cases.

“Do you know who is caught in the battle between the Governor of Georgia and local governments? Grocery store clerks, retail workers and restaurant servers,” Mayor Lynn Deutsch wrote on Twitter. “In other words, only people who probably don’t have health insurance and pay time off.”

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams, Kemp’s rival in the 2018 governor’s race, argued on MSNBC that Kemp is “following the example of incompetence and immorality” by President Donald Trump.

“Since the beginning of this catastrophe, Brian Kemp has shown that he has absolutely no competence in this process,” Abrams said Wednesday.

Kemp has encouraged Georgians to wear a mask, and has put it on in public, but argues against requiring it of all residents.

“We don’t need a mandate for people to do the right thing,” Kemp told reporters earlier this month.

With the increase in cases, a growing number of US states have mandated the use of face masks and masks while in public.
Republican Governor Kay Ivey, of the neighboring state of Alabama, ordered Wednesday to cover her face in public until July as Covid-19 cases skyrocket in the state and hospitals report a record number of patients.

“I still believe this will be a difficult order to fulfill, and I always prefer personal responsibility over a government mandate,” Ivey said at a press conference on Wednesday. “However, I also know, with all my heart, that the numbers and data for the past few weeks are definitely going in the wrong direction.”

Kemp has faced criticism from Democrats in his state for his handling of the state’s coronavirus response. He was one of the last governors to sign a shelter-in-place order and one of the first governors to allow some companies to open their doors after closing.

CNN’s Joe Sutton, Dianne Gallagher, Steve Almasy, Pierre Meilhan and Sharif Paget contributed to this report.
