Georgia College Ledge student sentenced to four months in prison for violating Cayman Islands Covid-19 protocol

Skyler Mack, a pre-med student at Mercer University, left for the islands on November 27 after testing negative for Covid-19 at home, his grandmother, Jenny M, told CNN.

When Mac land swam, he was given another Covid-19 test, which returned negative, and he was told to stay in solitude for two weeks. Instead, she decided to take part in her boyfriend’s jet ski competition two days later.

“In his mind, as long as he’s away from it all, he’ll love watching his friend’s race, it was his big national final race, it was the last race of the year, the big deal,” his grandmother said.

Race participants, who knew Mack, reported her breach of isolation and were arrested by authorities.

According to her grandmother, she admitted in court that she “got worse.” She was initially sentenced to 40 hours of community service and ordered to pay a fine for covering her compulsory quarantine stay.

According to the Cayman Islands Covid-19 Rules for Separation after the Arrival of Tourists, “Anyone who violates these rules commits an offense and is liable to a fine of ten thousand dollars and two years’ imprisonment.”
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The Cayman Compass newspaper reported that Patrick Moore, the deputy director of public proceedings for the Cayman Islands, then appealed the original sentence.

Moore told the judge that these crimes should be met with much more drastic measures. “The sentences imposed are unlikely to have a small effect on other like-minded individuals when it comes to delays.”

According to Cayman Compass, Justice Roger Chappell heard the appeal in Grand Court on Monday and handed down a revised sentence Tuesday morning. He reportedly said he understood the need for a balance act, but found that “the gravity of this breach was such that only one appropriate sentence would have resulted in immediate imprisonment.”

Jonathan Hughes, a Cayman Islands attorney for Skyler Mack and Vanj Ramgite, confirmed to CNN that the couple had both pleaded guilty to violating quarantine rules and were given four months’ custodial sentence. Hughes said he plans to argue for a less severe sentence next week.

“We will appeal for a hearing by the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal on Tuesday morning,” he said.

Mack’s grandmother told CNN that authorities considered Mack’s actions biased, as she asked the public health department to loosen the location tracker bracelet the day before her breach. But his family says Mack sent him pictures of the bracelet being cut in his skin.

“She did wrong. We will not doubt what she did wrong. I think there is punishment,” said Ginny McKay.

Mack was immediately taken to prison, where she is held in public. According to his family, he is allowed to call every day.

“She cries whenever she is called home. She has not been able to eat since they put her in jail,” her grandmother told CNN.

According to the family, the US Embassy in the Cayman Islands told them Mack was being set an example.

“I think he needs to be put in trouble because he did something wrong. I don’t think he’ll have to go to jail for four months for a breach.” GN McKay said.

Martin Roper, Governor of the Cayman Islands Issued a video statement Saying on Friday, “We all have to show individual and collective responsibility if we are to deal effectively with this epidemic and I especially appeal to all travelers returning to the islands – please follow the guidance and advice you are getting” . ‘
