France to Give $ 9 Billion in Salary Increases to Healthcare Workers

Castex, Health Minister Olivier Véran and union representatives signed the agreement in Paris on Monday.

In April, the French government said it would pay healthcare workers a bonus of up to $ 1,634 for treating patients with Covid-19. Hospital staff will receive $ 544 and those who work directly in areas affected by coronavirus will receive $ 1,634.

Under the new measures, non-medical health workers will also receive a pay increase of $ 208 per month. This will be implemented in two stages: the group will receive a $ 102 salary increase starting in September 2020 and an additional $ 106 starting in March 2021.

French health workers protested in June demanding better working conditions. His protests sparked a national debate over his treatment.

Activists from the left-wing group Attac and Inter-Urgences, an association of paramedical personnel, sprayed red paint on the French Ministry of Health building in Paris on June 20 as part of the protests.

“No one can doubt that this is a historic moment for our health system,” Castex said in a speech on Monday. He added that the pay package recognized workers as “the front line in the fight against the unprecedented, long-lasting and strong epidemic.”

“It is a way of catching up with the years of delay where each of us, even perhaps myself, has his share of responsibility,” he said.

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The prime minister added that the French government had a “clear objective” to provide “better working conditions in all health facilities,” in a Twitter post.

Véran also went to Twiiter on Monday to pay tribute to workers who had “fought to save lives without losing their hearts.”

“Beyond recognition, they expected acts: this is the objective of the [agreement] with a historical revaluation of wages, “he wrote.

The healthcare worker package follows the French government’s funding commitment of $ 16.9 billion to support the country’s aviation industry and a $ 8.8 billion bailout for its warring car companies.

In June, France’s $ 3 trillion economy grew for the first time since February, as coronavirus restrictions were eased.
