Fox News’ latest question spells bad news for Republicans

House Speaker Mitch McConnell (R-KY) ousted the House on Thursday for a recession in August.

Despite the lack of an incentive agreement with coronavirus, the First Chamber is not scheduled to meet for a regular session until September 8 – that is 26 days from now.

But a new Fox News poll shows how many Americans seek extra help from the government during the economic disaster.

“The poll asks voters to choose one of two messages to send directly to the federal government right now – ‘leave me a hand’ or ‘leave me alone.’ A 57 percent majority said they would ask Washington to “lend me a hand”. Last year, just 34 percent asked for a hand-up (February 2019). The previous high was 44 percent in 2011, after the financial crisis, “reported Fox News.

“At the same time, the number saying they would ‘let me’ the government dropped dropped 19 points, from 55 percent to 36 percent,” Fox said.

The dramatic shift in the role of government was not the only bad news for Republicans in the Fox News poll. Here is what people noticed about the results: