Four people tested positive for COVID-19 at the Republican National Convention in Charlotte

At least four people tested positive for COVID-19 Republican National Convention In North Carolina, county officials said Friday. The RNC told CBS News that all four – two potential attendees and two support staff were sent home immediately.

Mecklenburg County, where the first night of the convention was held, said Thursday evening that officials conducted about 792 coronavirus tests of attendees and workers.

“[Positive] Officials said individuals were immediately issued privacy notices and any known close contacts were given separate instructions by Mecklenburg County Public Health (MCPH).

The county also said more details about the RNC and coronavirus would be reported “in a later proceedings report.” It did not specify when the report would be released.

The RNCA said that in it a Contact tracing Protocol is in place and attendees were required to wear masks and social distance. Attendees were also required to complete a daily temperature check and wellness questionnaire.

RNC Takeoways from four at night


Michael Ahrens, director of RNC Communications, told CBS News on Friday that the RNC had security protocols, including verification of all attendees before arriving in Charlotte, and upon re-arrival. “Out of about 1000 tests, two RNCs were present, Despite the negative tests before the trip, And two Charlotte locals who planned to serve as event support staff tested positive on arrival. All sent home. “

Due to health and safety concerns the RNC went through several iterations and eventually it was downsized. Most of the speeches were pre-recorded, but crowds still gathered in various cities for the event.

More than 1,500 supporters, former White House officials and Republican lawmakers rallied. The fourth and final night At a conference Thursday on the White House’s South Lane, more concerns were raised about the potential spread of the disease.

Not all attendees wore masks and not all were tested for coronavirus, although the Trump campaign said it adhered to federal and local guidelines.
