‘Fortnite’ Season 3, Week 3 Challenges revealed and how to solve them

The water is going backwards, and we are officially in the rhythm of things here in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 3. This season’s challenges have been a change from what we’ve seen in the past: it’s not that the structure of the challenge hasn’t changed much over the years, but it seems like Epic is really prioritizing Accessibility here: Even the object search challenges we’ve had from the start are much more limited than in the past, and take place in unique and clearly marked locations. Others on this list are great, I’m excited to try to land a Choppa inside a steam stack, but they’re also pretty straightforward.

Combined with the reworking of the daily challenges that we also got at the start of this season, now called quick challenges, I feel like this is one of the smoothest battle passes we’ve had since the beginning of the game. It is relatively easy to get in there and remove some XP. Let’s look at the challenges of Week 3:

  • Search for chests or ammo boxes in Misty Meadows: 0/7
  • Eliminations in The Authority: 0/3
  • Collect floating rings on Lazy Lake: 0/4
  • Dance on top of the Crane at Rickety Rig: 0/1
  • Deal damage from inside a cornfield in Frenzy Farm: 0/100
  • Destroy cars within 60 seconds of landing at Retail Row from Battle Bus: 0/2
  • Land a Choppa on the bottom of a Staamy Stacks: 0/1
  • Damage to opponents in Catty Corner: 0/200

Again, everything pretty straightforward. We have a guide for floating rings if you need a little help with them, but generally you should have no trouble handling them. Even the elimination challenge is unusually easy – the Authority is a great hot spot anyway, so you should have no trouble finding people to eliminate there. Otherwise, happy hunting and many doubts about you.