Aquaman’s top five challenges are now live in Fortnite: Battle Royale, which means you can finally unlock Aquaman’s skin. The DC hero has joined the league of heroes available in the game, and now you can catch the skin version of Arthur Curry. To do that, you’ll need to complete a sixth challenge asking yourself to Dive into the waterfall at Gorgeous Gorge while wearing the Aquaman outfit. This is where Gorgeous Gorge is located and how to complete the challenge, but be aware that you must have the battle pass to access these challenges and rewards, and you will need to make sure that you are not shot too much while doing so. is.
Where is the beautiful gorge waterfall?
This is a relatively simple challenge, as long as you know where to go. Although not listed on the map, Gorgeous Gorge is located at the north end of the river that runs west from Lazy Lake and southeast from The Authority. On the map, it overlaps E5 / F5, and as you get closer from the battle bus, it should be fairly easy to spot.
How to dive in the Aquaman outfit?
You will need to come prepared to complete this challenge. You’ll first need to complete Aquaman’s five weekly challenges, including the newest one, which asks him to claim his Trident at Coral Cove. After all this is done, equip the Aquaman mask from the Locker menu before the start of a match and then head over to Gorgeous Gorge, as described above. Once you’re there, simply head to the river and jump from the edge of the waterfall into the water below.
You should automatically dive in, and when you get out, you’ll find you’ve made a smooth transition to the Arthur Curry shirtless version of Aquaman fur. It is a good party trick.
What is the reward for completing the challenge?
That Arthur Curry skin you’ll find yourself wearing after diving is now unlocked for you to use. It’s a variant of Aquaman’s outfit, so to equip it, you’ll need to select Aquaman’s mask and then click the Edit Style button to switch to the alternate look.
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