Fly suggested Trump deploy troops in “swing states”, “run the election” again, use soft paddles martial law

Former National Security Adviser Michelle Flyn once again heeded President-Trump’s call for declaring martial law to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, citing allegations of defamation voters. Flynn told Newsmax host Greg Kelly on Thursday night that Trump “could immediately seize each of these voting machines at his command.” “Within those swing states, if they want, they can take military capabilities, and they can put them in those states and basically order them to run elections in every state again.”

Flynn added that the U.S. The use of force to force states to hold re-elections is “not unprecedented.” “These people there are talking about martial law as if it’s something we’ve never done. Martial law has been established 64 times, Greg. So I’m not calling for that. We have a constitutional process,” and “It is to be followed.”

The federal government has not enforced martial law in Hawaii alone since Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. A law professor at the University of Texas, before and during the Civil War, seems to have relied on “numerous requests for military law” to “fly madness”. Said Steve Vladek. Since then, Supreme Court instances and many laws – especially the Pose Commitments Act – have severely restricted the President’s ability to declare martial law.

“Nothing to see here,” Slate‘O Will Salta tweeted. “The retired general and former undeclared foreign agent for the dictatorial regime is pardoned by the president for lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia, citing the defeat in the presidential election as a precedent for martial law.”

Former President Barack Obama fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, then “tried to warn Trump about it,” New York Times Journalist Maggie Heberman noted. “Trump hired him, fired him, complained about him and his son during the transition, and then clearly changed.” Boulevard‘S Tim Miller added: “Michael Flynn Lying to the FBI was the biggest breach in the nation caught during Trump’s year. The idea of ​​a madman in the room when Trump was making a decision is horrible.”

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