Florida State Soccer: Watch August 20 practice video

Florida State Seminoles football was back on the field today for what head coach Mike Norvell possibly called the physical or the team.

‘I think our mentality has improved. Really competitive practice. Probably our most physical exercise we have. “

‘It was planned. There’s time we try to get out of a lighter workload, we wanted to crawl it up a bit. I thought our boys responded well. The competing juices fly. ”

It followed a lighter exercise yesterday that saw the team focus on special teams and situational resources, which even led the way to an excursion for team bonding that players and coaches have already said has a profound impact.

“This is my fifth year here and I do not think this is something we have ever done,” said senior defensive end Janarius Robinson. ‘Know that someone sees you more than just on the field. They can know how to react and why and know how to communicate with you. “

Florida State Sports Information shared videos of today’s practice, which features. among other things, Tamorrion Terry does things Scary Terry, Fabian Lovett and Marvin Wilson compete, DJ Lundy shows his hit stick, Keyshawn Helton grabs points.